Washington x Reader

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(Sorry for those of you expecting a part 3 to my Oak x Reader mini series. That will be continued next chapter, thought we needed something fresh!)

Time: past for once wtf
Warnings: yo, ya get kidnapped. very long chapter, you're welcome, a few curse words. there may be typos, lemme know

Really Dark Story Cuz I Have Issues Enjoy

It had been two months.

Well, two months, three days, four hours and 46 minutes to be exact.

That is, two months, three days, four hours, and 46 minutes since Y/N Washington had been kidnapped by British soldiers, in an attempt to provoke her husband, George Washington.

George Washington, being first in command, held the most power in the American rag tag army. Making him an easy target for threats and any sorts of capture.

Yet what was least expected was that his newly wedded wife be kidnapped in place for him, hoping to do some damage to the organization of his troops.

This plan was fool-proof, and worked most magnificently in the British hands. Unfortunately.

A week after Y/N's disappearance, a letter was written to Washington from a nearby neighbor who noticed her absence.

When having received this letter, Washington panicked, immediately thinking of the worst. But of course, it was the worst.

Two weeks after Y/N's disappearance, Washington was miserable, thinking of all possible solutions, but knowing for sure that she would have never left him. He resided on the fact she must have been taken.

A month after Y/N's kidnapping Washington was a wreck. Having his right hand man, Alexander Hamilton, handle all government duties and even appointed him as second in command. Meanwhile, he focused on the upmost importance, his wife.

Every morning, new rounds of troops were sent out in command from Washington to search for his wife. And every night those troops came back with the same result.

No Y/N.

Two months after Y/N's kidnapping, Washington had given up hope. After the countless nights of crying himself to sleep, and his hands aching from writing plans and solutions to tear stained parchment, he wanted to give up.

By the red coats taking Y/N, Washington had tired out his soldiers by sending them for daily searches. He made his right hand man restless, taking over ever single responsibility Washington once had. But the most damage they had done was to himself.

Not once had he slept more than 2 hours a night.

Not once had he eaten in the last week.

Not once did he come up with a strategy to her escape that would work.

Not once did he stop thinking about Y/N, and what they could be doing to her.

He wanted to accept the fact that in taking Y/N the British had won.

And now we are to the present. Exactly two months, three days, four hours and 46 minutes since Y/N had been taken.


Whilst in the her soggy, moldy prison, Y/N could hear the British boast about their plans.

She learned that they actually preferred to say it right to her face, as they drag a knife across her cheek. Leaving yet another cut on her body.

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