Burr x Reader

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Time: past again, woah I'm on a roll
Warnings: this one's going to be shorter sorry, leave requests! Fowl language. Jefferson is a dick


"You gnarly piece of shit!" Y/N growled, punching Thomas Jefferson lightly in the chest. She didn't care if she was making a scene, he had no right to touch her.

"Now Miss Y/N, that is no way a lady should speak." He smirked.

"And that is no way a man should touch a lady!"

"My dear, why should I not touch you, when that is all you were created for anyway?" Jefferson snarled.

Y/N slapped him right across the face, causing heads to turn. Gasping townspeople stared in shock at the action of the young girl.

"You Jefferson are the one who wrote and created the term, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal." Correct?"

He didn't reply, just stared at her with shock, anger and interest. But mainly anger.

"Well that is bullshit." She spat. "I have lived with the treatment women have been given for long enough, and it is over. What is it any difference to you, if a woman wanted to be part of Congress, to fight in war. Hell, maybe if they were given more than the expectation to stay at home and raise children their entire lives, things would get accomplished! You, Mr. Jefferson, disgust me."

Y/N saw the look that flashed through his eyes, making her regret their encounter. But she straightened her posture, and held her head up high.

She flinched as Jefferson grabbed her wrist, immediately freaking out.

"Why you little-" He spat, almost dragging her away.

"JEFFERSON!" A voice boomed, cutting him off, surprising him enough to let go of Y/N's wrist.

She turned her head, a bald man with brown skin rushing towards them, desperately trying to get towards them.

Thomas grabbed her once again, trying to drag her away, but the bald man caught up, cutting them off.

He let go once more.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked calmly, but scarily with the amount of anger he held in his question.

"Escorting this lady to her residence." He said angrily.

"It did not look nor hear like that was anything close to what you were doing. I suggest you walk away now, and let me walk her home."

Thomas shot him a nasty glare, and walked off as told.

Y/N let go of the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"I cannot thank you enough Mister." Y/N said, wiping her forehead.

"Please, it was nothing. I work with him, I know his tactics."

"How unfortunate." Y/N rolled her eyes making him chuckle. "Oh how rude of me! My name is Y/N L/N."

"Aaron Burr." He replied, bending down to kiss her hand.

A light blush spread across her cheeks when he continued.

"You know Miss L/N you have such a way with words, quite reminding me of a friend of mine-"

"Angelica Schuyler?" Y/N asked.

He nodded.

"Angelica and I are the closest of friends, although we share the same beliefs and personality, I'm known as the more vicious one." She laughed.

"I would not describe you as viscous. More so as... obstinate. You are quite a bright young lady."

"Thank you Aaron."

He smiled upon hearing his first name.

"May I escort you home now? You wouldn't want to be walking home alone again, would you?"

"No not at all." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "But you should write me! I would love to get to know a man as interesting as you."

"As would I, a persistent girl like you. You know, I may be able to find you a position within our Congress."

Y/N had never smiled wider.

(A/N: anyone wanna do a lyric chain? I'll start!)

Seventeen. Se- se- seventeen...
Se- se- seventeen...

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