Philip x Reader

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Time: Same time Harry is at Hogwarts, so uhh.. it's a Hogwarts AU just so ya know!

Warnings: you won't understand this chapter if your haven't read/seen Harry Potter, well.. GO READ AND WATCH EVERY MOVIE RIGHT NOW YOURE MISSING OUT. THEN WHEN YOURE DONE READ THIS CHAPTER. Okay I'm done.

All is Well

Y/N the muggle born witch, descending from a pretty poor family. Accumulating enough muggle  money to transfer into Galleons and such to pay for her supplies, was a struggle in itself, finding platform 9 3/4 was another. Let's just say she ran into the wrong wall.

Although, Y/N didn't meet Philip Hamilton until everyone was boarded on the train. Everyone except him that was.

She was looking out the window watching the parents cry and wave to their children. Then the rain picked up speed and those people got farther and farther away. That was until she was distracted by a freckled face desperately chasing after the Hogwarts express.

She had been the one to go up to the front, and make the driver stop the train.

The boy, hair now messier than it was before, climbed on the train. Now forced to sit with Y/N for there were no other compartments open.

Y/N had been the one to summon the courage to start a conversation.

"Is it your first year at Hogwarts too?"

"Yeah, barely even made the train." He sighed, running a hand through his longer hair.

"Well, actually you didn't make the train." Y/N smiled, almost even laughing. "I had to stop the driver."

"Oh." He said, cheeks reddening. "Thanks, what's your name?"

"Y/N Y/L/N, you?"

"Philip Hamilton."

"Hamilton. What a cool last name!" Y/N continues to converse.

"Yeah, I guess. Not that cool. Y/L/N is much better, it doesn't sound familiar though. Are you a pureblood?"

Taken aback by the question Y/N hesitated. Being of muggle descent was for some people a big nope in the friend department. And Y/N knew she wanted to be friends with Philip.

Of course she figured Philip was pureblood, a family with one hundred percent wizard blood. Y/N had her done research.

"No.. not pure blood. Muggle born."

"Woah! So your mom and dad, and all your aunts and uncles, and even your cousins are muggles?"

"As far as I know.."

"That's so cool! It's so boring having your parents be magic folk."

"Not as boring as muggles."

Philip's eyes lit up, "They're kind of interesting if you think about it though! Anyway my dad is a brilliant wizard, he studies in..."

And the rest of the train ride that night was talk of Hogwarts houses, families, goals and the future. But definitely was the start of a friendship.

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