Lin x Reader [1]

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A/N: late chapter.. but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
Time: Present
Warnings: B/F/N = best friends name
Y/t/u = your twitter username
Minor swearing

"B/F/N CALM THE HELL DOWN IT'S JUST A LIKE!" You yell, jumping on your own bed in excitement.


"Come on, it's not like he replied to the tweet or anything-" you stopped as your phone buzzed.

B/F/N's eyes widened as you pulled it out of your pocket.

relying to: @y/t/u
@Lin_Manuel: Cutie! Hope you enjoyed the show, post more pics!

You looked back up at B/FN. "Holy shit he just replied."

"WHAT DID HE SAY?" B/F/N practically tackled you onto your bed.

"I uh.." your hands shook as you read the message to your friend. Your idol just replied to you!

"Y/N you know what this means, right?" She asked.

"That me and Lin are practically best friends, due to the fact he replied to my tweet?" You question.

"No! He's totally into you."

You stare at her bluntly, and can't hold in your laughter.

"As if!" You let out a round of giggles. "Never, EVER. Would Lin like me, plus, he probably lives so far away. I'd cry on the first date anyway. Basically it's would be an impossible relationship." You sigh.

"But you're considering it..."

"Oh shut up!" You though a pillow at her.

"But he must like you. He's never favorited a fan like that before, he called you cute, AND asked you to post more pics. You totally should by the way."

"I shouldn't. Goodnight B/F/N!" You started walking towards your own bedroom.

"Goodnight Mrs. Miranda!"

"I SWEAR..."

The Next Morning

Your phone vibrated violently on your beside table. Groaning, and shielding your eyes from sun, you grabbed the still vibrating phone.

You opened the screen, flinching at the bright light. Hundred of notifications from all social media's flooded your cellphone.

"What the hell..?" You murmur, sifting up.

You unlocked it, decided to open Twitter, the one with 1,432 notifications. Comments and tags and likes filled your feed, some on your own posts but most of them linked from an article from York Times.

You quickly tapped on the link, opening the article.

Lin Manuel Miranda Holds A Relationship with a Fan?

Known for his hit musicals, most recently Hamilton, Lin Manuel Miranda holds an affair with a fan! No this is not a rumor, but was discovered through a tweet from Lin Manuel himself to a fan named Y/N L/N. Her twitter being...

Eyes watering, you skipped ahead a bit.

Although we haven't heard from either Y/N or Lin through social media since, we hope to get an interview to further understand their relationship

You stopped reading, and scrolled through your notifications once more. More and more articles were being tweeted at you.

Lin Manuel Miranda favors fan!

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