King George x Reader [1]

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A/N: WE ARE #762 IN FANFICTION OUT OF 156,000 OTHER STORIES. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I have big things planned I promise, I just need to get my thoughts together. (hopefully before school starts) Anyway we haven't seen a King George x Reader in a while, so, here ya go!

Time: The time will be in the past, whenever King George was a new king, and had just been crowned or whatever. (I googled it, he was crowned on my birthday, October 25 but in 1760!) I don't know how to transfigure his character into modern times, but that's okay, I haven't wrote one in the past in a while.

Things to know:

-This is a real place, but I had to put it into 1760s so it's different then pictures you will find today.

-Some of these things are true to history, some of them aren't to save me the research. 

- B/F/N = Your Best Friend's Name (girl)


Bamburgh, Northumberland was a quaint, rural area located in Great Britain. It's small village was planted on the most vibrant grass, and its beach lined the shore around it. No more than 200 people lived there, and even that was a stretch. The town fended for themselves, grew their own food, and tidied their own space. They tended their own animals, and kept to themselves unknowingly to the rest of the world. Their own news and drama spread fast between such a small amount of people, though news from anywhere else took a while to travel to Bamburgh.

Any drama from outside their village was only discovered if someone had traveled to the city. And even that was based solely on the person's word. But Y/N had to believe her best friend when she said there would be a new King. 

Folding the cuffs of her light blue dress even more upward, Y/N listened to B/F/N speak. "He's been crowned two weeks ago, my Auntie told me. And turns out, hes already remodeled his father's entire castle."

Y/N's eyebrows furred. "After only two weeks of being ruler? I already do not like this new king. He takes his father's name?" 

"I believe. King George III."

"He's young." A voice cut in. Both of the girls head flipped around towards the sound. "And attractive." Y/N's grandmother winked as she walked past the couple, her tan wrinkled face holding a smirk.

A hum of response sounded from Y/N's pink lips. She dipped a tan corset into a bin of water, scrubbing at it furiously, determined for it to be properly cleansed. B/F/N worked beside herself with her own laundry, a dark green dress currently being washed. With only the sound of the harmonious birds and a calm breeze, the two girls worked in silence. Y/N grabbed a new item of clothing out of the basket, effortlessly dropping it into the water where the corset once was. After a thorough scrub she placed it upon a line to hang and dry.

Breaking the patterned rhythm Y/N had acquired, and small blonde boy sprinted down the rocked pathway. Unaware of his surroundings he came crashing into Y/N and B/F/N.

"William!" B/F/N scoffed wiping her dirt filled hands off on her skirt. "What in the world are you doing?" She was helped off the ground with the assistance of Y/N, who didn't break eye contact with the child.

B/F/N's younger brother didn't hesitate when speaking. His lips fell downwards in a pitiful frown. "Our home has been robbed! Papa couldn't catch him in time, we think he stole your savings." His striking English accent cut through the girls' anticipation.

Y/N looked in pity at her best friend as her eyes started watering. "What do you mean you think?"

"We didn't want to go through your belongings, but things have definitely been rummaged through in your bedroom. I'm sorry, B/F/N." Will's wide eyes looked up at his sister, who's heart was breaking in front of him.

"I was going to use that to go to school next year. I've been saving it all my life." Y/N's arms found her way comfortably around B/F/N's shoulders, embracing her in a hug. 

"I'm sorry. We will find another way for us both to go to school."


Y/N spent dinner that night at B/F/N's home. The girl had checked her room to confirm that her coins had been stolen as well as her father's muskets. In attempt to calm the aching family, they all sat for a peaceful dinner of roast and green beans.

B/F/N's mother, father, aunt, grandma and younger brother all sat around her and Y/N. They ate in silence, minus the light comments said here and there about how amazing the roast was. Y/N couldn't get over how well it was seasoned. But no matter what was spoken, nothing would distract B/F/N from the fact that she would not pursue her dream of going to college and being a teacher.

Y/N had been thinking ceaselessly since today's upsetting activities on how to make B/F/N feel better. Saving for school was something both B/F/N and Y/N had been doing since their childhood, and something they had planned to do together. There was no way she would just abandon her childhood friend and go without her. But the girl had all of this money.

"B/F/N." Y/N spoke suddenly, slicing through the thick silence.

Her eyes widened, but still held sadness. "What?"

"How would you like to travel with me? I have all of my savings and that's something we could still do together." 

"I could never go along with you and have you pay for everything." She sighed. "That sounds wonderful Y/N. I've always wanted to go into the city. But I can't ask you to do that for me."

"It's not just for you." Y/N cracked a smile. "I'm spending my money traveling and you can either come or not. I'll go with or without you."

"Well. If you insist." B/F/N smiled.

A/N: THERE WILL BE A PART TWO, and possibly three haven't decided. But to be honest this really sucks and I can do better. I'm sorry. Part two will be much better. I do have a question though, how many of you would subscribe if I made a YouTube channel? Just as a little fun something to do on the side. Comment!!

Well you're at it, comment your favorite Hamilton song. Or, start a lyric chain, or just spam. I love reading all of the comments!!!

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