John x Reader [2]

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Time: Present, high school
Warnings: GO READ PART ONE FIRST! Minor foul language

Falling in Love (literally) pt. 2

John's POV

John had surprised himself when he had asked the shy girl, Y/N to come to the football game with him.

I mean, before that week, he hadn't even known her name! But if you asked John if he regretted it, the answer would be an immediate no.

Because since he was a freshman John noticed the girl wandering through the halls, almost non-
existent to the rest of the school.

But when John had talked to Y/N, he knew there was more to her quiet persona. And he was determined to crack her shell.

John didn't play football, or any sports, but he did want to support one of his friends, Hercules Mulligan on the team. He was the best player on the team, and everyone knew it. So what, John was bringing a girl to the opening game, that's not a date.. right?

But you want it to be a date..

"Shut up!" John said out loud, alarming his mother who sat next to him at the dinner table.

He didn't even let his mom make a comment about his sudden outburst before speaking.

"I have to go get ready for Herc's football game bye." And with that, John ran upstairs to his room.

The always confident John Laurens, was nervous for a football game a girl would be attending.

She's attending it with you..

John ignored these thoughts and proceeded to get ready.


John walked into the his high school like he owned the place, gaining his confidence, and searching for Y/N. He had meant to get her number, he noted that as the first thing to ask her.

Not finding her in the massive amount of students wandering the halls for concession and such, John proceeded to the football field.

"Laurens, buddy!" John was stopped and pulled to his left by a pair of strong arms.

"Herc!" John gave Hercules a 'bro hug' and patted his back. "Nervous?"

"Yeah first game of the season, and rumor has it, there's professors and such from some Universities all over the country. They're taking notes for scholarships."

John's eyes went wide. "Well you already know you're gonna get one! If not- many!"

"We'll see."

And with that, a whistle was blown signaling warm ups, and Hercules jogged off with a wave.

John let a breath out through his mouth in a whistle like way and scanned the rows of red bleachers for any sign of Y/N.


Y/N was lost.

She'd known her way around the school quite well, being forced to show up daily for seven years she better.

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