Lin x Reader [2]

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2 weeks after last chapter...

"Okay honest opinions?" You ask, giving a little twirl.

"Eh.. too flashy." B/F/N peeked her head inside the closet you had previously stepped out of. "You know what, that red dress.. right... there." She pointed inside.

"Woah I didn't even see that." You practically buzzed with excitement. You stepped through the mountains of clothes and grabbed it right off the hanger.

"It's perfect! Nice and casual perfect for a lunch with Lin." B/F/N said, casually chewing on her thumb while scrolling through her phone.

"Get off of that so you can put some makeup on me!"


"Calm down."

"I need your advice this is not a normal date!" You cry.

"It's not even a date Y/N! It's sort of like a meet and greet except you are privileged and loaded."

"Yeah. Not a date. Meet and greet." You go over it in your mind, mentally calming yourself down.

"But.. if he mentions anything about Hamilton ask if there are any roles or opportunities open on set.."

"No!" You laugh.

"Okay okay. Go enjoy yourself." She pushed you out the door. "Don't crash the car!" She yelled as you walked away, making you giggle.

"And get an autograph!" She finished before slamming the door.

Whelp she's insane.

You got into the car you and B/F/N shared because as much as it was an enjoyable fantasy, you were not well off. Hell, you'd won the Hamilton tickets from the New York lotto.

Driving was peaceful, for it wasn't rush hour yet. Lin and yourself agreed to meet up at a small coffee shop for lunch. And luckily, you two didn't live so far away from each other. Not like he told you where he lived, but he gave you an idea.

You arrived at the destination you were only vaguely familiar of, and looked around for Lin. And although you had never met him in person, you were quite familiar with what he looked like.

"Would you like a table miss?" A waitress came up to you. She had kind brown eyes and matching brown hair.

"Actually I was supposed to meet someone up. I didn't know coffee shops had waitresses?"

"Oh you must be Y/N! Yeah coffee shops don't have waitresses. I'm undercover as one for Lin. He sent me to look for you." She giggled.

"Are you his girl friend?" You ask.

"Nope more like an assistant!" She held her hand out. "Bailey."

"Nice to meet you Bailey. So where is Lin sitting?"

"Ooh cut to the chase alrighty!" She smiled. "Follow me."

She led you to the back of the small shop where Lin was sitting. He sat by himself, a chair sat across from him. It was right by a large window, showing the view of the city.

He made eye contact with you, and you're pretty sure your heart just exploded.

"Oh my god. You're actually him."

He chuckled (LIKE A GOD) "You must be Y/N."

"Nah just some other chick who stalked you on Twitter until she got a date-" Your eyes widened. "I MEAN MEET UP pSH THIS ISN'T A DATE.." You trail off awkwardly.

"I can be if you want it to be."

"I-oh well." You took that moment to sit down.


You each ate a muffin and had a few cups of coffee. Your small talk had ended pretty soon into the conversation, and progressed into getting to know each other.

You could not describe the feeling as you talked to Lin. It was so strange having seen him online and on stage for your entire life. But actually sitting with him in real life, and talking to him as well? It was out of this world.

You were getting ready to say your goodbyes, and even exchanged numbers. You walked out of the shop, and were about to split up, each to where your cars were parked separately. But of course, that had to be interrupted.

"Lin?! LIN MANUEL MIRANDA?" A group of girls completely swamped the two of you.





You stood speechless as Lin tried to comply with each girl, but soon more people crowded around you. Most of them with their cameras out.

"U-uh Lin- I."

"Y/N listen to me." Lin turned to you. "We're going to run. Okay? This is too much for you, On my count. Ready?"

You nodded.

"1......2.......3..... GO!"

Lin and yourself sprinted through everyone, and since there were so many people around you, you couldn't see which direction you were running. And you had lost the comfort of Lin's hand.

But you just kept running. Around everyone.

And because your luck is just so great you ended up in the middle of the street.


Cars flew around you, and all you could do was spin, trying to find a way out.

A line of cars were coming right at you, and you were in such a shock you could not move. Your head was spinning, your mind was mush.

And right as the first car in the line was about to hit you, Lin swooped you into his arms and ran to the sidewalk.

He put you down breathing heavily with his hands on his knees.

"Are you okay?" You cried.

"Fine. You?"


A moment passed.

"You saved my life."

"I did."

"That deserves celebration. My place?" You ask.

"Why not?"

And for the second time that day, the two of you walked hand in hand.


Okay, first of all, I hope you enjoyed this part two chapter! Now I really hope you all participate in this, because it's gonna be a good time!

This is in honor of 70k and our 30th chapter..

For the next 24 hours, I will be responding to every single comment on THIS chapter. I will also be following every single person back, who follows me in the next 24 hours. And also if you star on this chapter, or spam, I will do the same to you. (If you have your own story. And if you don't, you get a sweet little message from me on your message board.)

So basically spam this chapter up, and I will do the exact same to you for 24 hours only! Let's get this started!!!!!!

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