Philip x Reader [2]

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A/N: I'm so proud of this chapter and this character I've created. Enjoy part 2.

Living the life as someone who pickpockets as their job... is definitely more challenging than it seems. Especially when you're only 16. But it wasn't even the pickpocketing that was challenging, it was convincing adults that throughout the day you weren't a person that needed help.

Scoring the apartment Y/N lived in now proved to be the most difficult. Though she convinced everyone that needed to be, that she had an older brother who was in and out of town a lot. The teenage girl knew that excuse wouldn't last forever, so other cheap New York apartments were lined up.

It was also difficult buying her laptop and iPod. Of course, Y/N had tried to get a phone but apparently you can't set up a phone plan at the age of 16. When Y/N did successfully get her laptop and iPod, the cashier gave her the hardest time while paying. So, let's just say life was already challenging in many different ways for young Y/N L/N. Pickpocketing was her own way, to prove to herself she wasn't a helpless 16 year old girl.

That evening Y/N had done every sort of research on Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, and James Madison. She had read through the file she stole innumerable times. Being well rounded and fully knowledgeable was the most important thing to Y/N before meeting the Secretary of Treasury.

It was a few days past the afternoon Y/N snatched that manila folder from Jefferson. It seemed as though today was a perfect day to present the information to Alexander. Mainly because it was raining. Which was a crucial step in Y/N's well thought out plan of approaching Hamilton.

A thorough series of steps were listed within her mind. One's of which played with emotions, family, work, and placement. Y/N knew very easily she was a smart girl, but she had to admit, this had to of been her best work yet.

Her small gray alarm clock sounded noisily in an annoying line of beeps. With the slam of Y/N's hand the sound ceased to exist. Once taking a glance at the time, Y/N groaned. It was now 5 o' clock. But, the teen's short nap had done her great justice, for she was fully energized and ready for the events soon to come.

After taking a few minutes to look presentable, Y/N grabbed an umbrella and her purse which held the very imperative folder. She swiftly walked down the spiral staircase to the bottom of her apartment building, opening her umbrella in one quick movement and exiting. Deeply agitated by the rain drops that littered her phones' screen, Y/N wiped them off continuously in order to follow the map on it.

In feverish but hasty steps, the lonesome girl walked the uncrowded sidewalk to Alexander Hamilton's house. Y/N was always a confident person; she discovered so at a young age. But the thought of speaking to someone as important as who she was visiting, noticeably trimmed that confidence down. Of course she was nervous, she could say something wrong, hell, maybe no one is home and she's left to walk back to her apartment alone once more.

Y/N's apprehensive thoughts were cut short when the house was in sight. Her eyes scanned the building longingly. It was a very well built two story house with a white and blue exterior. Benches sat on the porch, and a welcoming lamp lit up the driveway. Lights and movements could be seen through the windows, an active sign there were people home. That, and the silver Honda parked on the street.

With a shaky exhale, Y/N continued up the driveway. Reaching the entrance, the teen closed her umbrella and knocked on the door. Upon realization that she was present in the situation, and her plan was in action, an innocent look appeared on her face.

The door swung open and a light-skinned girl with long brown hair was revealed.

"Hello! Is Eliza Hamilton home?" Y/N clutched her purse with a grin.

Hamilton One Shots (x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon