John x Reader

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Time: Present
Warnings: fluff, sadness, break up

More Then Friends

John's POV

Y/N and I have been best friends since diapers. We are now 20 and facing college. And honestly, I was tired of just being a shoulder to cry on and a person to hangout with.

I want to be more than friends. I told Alex this one day.

"Then go get her man!" He said.

"Alex you don't understand, Y/N is not Eliza. Y/N has only been my best friend my whole life, what if she doesn't like me the way I like her. Plus she has a boyfriend."

"You know Y/N only has a boyfriend to make you jealous." Alex insisted.

"Not true! They're like.. serious."

"Then you stand no chance my friend." He patted me on the back and walked away.

What a great help he is. I decided to get some real advice. I went to Angelica.

"What if she doesn't like me like I like her?" I asked.

"You and Y/N are best friends, right?"

"Since we were 2." I nodded.

"Okay. Just tell her how you feel. If she rejects you, no big deal! You just go back to being friends, if she doesn't reject you, you get your way. It's a win win situation." She said.

"But I don't want to just be friends with her."

"But are you going to give Y/N up completely, because your not satisfied with your relationship with her?"

I sighed, "Never."

"Then you have your answer! Just tell her!" She squeeled.

Everyone had been trying to get you and Y/N together for years. People would mistake you for a couple too. She would deny the fact that we weren't immediately. I wanted to cry every time she said that.

My crush has been going on for the past few years, let's say Sophomore year of high school.

So I'm taking Angelica's advice and telling her I like her. It's less of a like and more of a love. I love her.

I left my dorm that I shared with Alex and walked to the other side of campus where her dorm was.

I wasn't even halfway there when it started to rain.

"Shit." I muttered.

I debated on wether or not to turn around and go back to my dorm. It was closer...

But I decided to keep going.

I ran through the rain for a few more minutes, and it started coming down harder.

But I was so close!

I kept running but was distracted my a figure a few feet away from me sitting on the bench.

There was a dim lit outdoor light next to the bench. I ran over to the figure.

Through the rain I could hear.. crying?

I sat down next to the figure, them still not noticing me. I was now drenched, but it seemed like this person was even more wet then me somehow. I put my arm around the person's shoulders.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

The figure jumped and looked up at me, eyes wide and mascara smeared. I know that face.

"Y/N?" I asked. "What the hell are you doing in the rain? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" I hugged her and she sobbed into my chest.

"I- it's-he." She tried saying.

"Shhhh..." I rubbed her back.

Thunder roared from above and lightning lit the sky.

"Y/N we gotta get out of here. You're going to get sick!" I said and she continued crying.

"No John! I should stay here and get sick. I deserve it! I should just die."

I was shocked at her words. Y/N has never acted like this before. She shouldn't die. She's perfect. She tried running away from me but I grabbed her and held her down as she sobbed.

"Y/N listen to me. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. You are perfect. There is no reason in the world for you to die or get sick! Please love, come inside with me." I muttered into her ear.

She nodded and her cries calmed down. I picked her up bridal style and went back to my dorm.

I opened the door and placed her on my bed.

"How'd it go John did you-" Alex walked in and saw us both drenched, and Y/N's mascara smeared face. "I'll just um-" he pointed to his room and left quickly.

I brought Y/N a bunch of blankets and wrapped her up in them. I sat down next to her.

"Talk to me."

She sighed, silent tears still running down her face and said 5 words. "He broke up with me."

"I'll kill him." I said immediately. "What's his dorm number, tell me right now I'll give him a piece of my mind."

She let out a sob and I softened.

"Hey hey, come on what else did he do?" I rubbed her back.

"He kicked me out of his dorm, told me I'm worthless ugly, fat and should kill myself! For no reason we weren't even fighting. He broke up with me as he pushed me down the stairs." More tears left her eyes.

Her face as she talked broke my heart. I hugged her tightly.

"Y/N you are not worthless. You are everything to me. And ugly? As if. He doesn't know what he's talking about. All you have to do is look in a mirror to know you're god damn beautiful. Fat? He was just saying that to anger you, there is no way in hell you resemble a fat person. You're perfect and don't deserve to die, he does. And he pushed you down the stairs?" I looked at her with concern and she nodded.

I sighed, "Y/N you deserve someone so much better. A person who is always going to be by your side when you need it. A person to comfort you and make you smile. A person who makes you laugh and reminds you you're perfect."

"You're right John." She smiled. "I do deserve you."

"Yeah-" I stopped and processed what she said. "What?"

"John you're perfect." She smiled. "You're always by my side when I need it, you comfort me, make me smile, and laugh. I love you John. I always have."

She looked up at me. I smashed my lips into hers and I could tell she was shocked. She loosened into the kiss and our lips moved in sync. Our make out session lasted a good 5 minutes before we released.

"I love you too Y/N. Way more then friends, for a while now." I said.

"Same here." She sheepishly smiled.

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