Lafayette x Reader

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A/N: YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST FOR PUTTING UP WITH MY UPDATING SCHEDULE. But I decided y'all need to wait for a part two for my last Anthony x Reader. As if I update that often anyway haha.


College AU!

This is the first weekend I had off from either work, school, or family business all year. Teachers really undermine the toughness of college during your junior year. Talk about studying overload. What really made it worse was that my boyfriend, Lafayette, or Laf as he liked to be called, was effortlessly a genius.

Even with being a transfer student, he manages perfectly to get A's on every project, and keep a perfect record. Then there was me, who had to work her ass off to keep that same record. Actually, I managed to befriend an entire group of man geniuses.

Alexander Hamilton, being a genius from the womb.

John Laurens surprised me with his determination to make a difference in the world.

And Hercules Mulligan, who was special in his own way. He had an extremely good talent in clothing and fashion advice. Herc's my go to outfit planner for dates.

Then Lafayette, of course.

I was pretty much set up from the get go to fail compared to my friends.

But throughout the hardwood and lectures I've managed to get a weekend off. Even from my lousy side job at Starbucks. So, I did not hesitate to stroll right into my boyfriend's dorm room, (which he shared with Hercules) and tell him the great news.

Walking right in to the unlocked room, I yelled from him.


I continued to walk in without waiting for a reply.

"Are you in the bathr- wOah John- what?"

There stood John, walking around without a shirt and the only this covering his privates being his boxers.

I cringed and asked, "What were you doing?"

"Eating chips."

"And that's... it?"

"Yup." He threw a few more chips from the bag in his arms, into his mouth.

"So, you always casually stroll around your room in your boxers?"

"Even ask Laf."

"Well, where is he?"

"Literally in his room."

I sighed and thanked him, opening the door with a bit more hesitation than before.

"Hey love." He said, backing away from the computer he was previously working at.

"Guess what?" I smiled, and just seeing that, he smiled too.


"IM FREE ALL WEEKEND!!" I put my hands up in the air and danced, letting him grab me by my waist and pull me closer.

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