Daveed x Reader

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Time: Present
Warnings: none

"Tis' the season to be jolly." You grumbled to yourself as you walked through the heavy snow. You pulled your jacket tighter around you, shivering uncontrollably in the wind. You hadn't been the one to put yourself in this situation, but your boyfriend had. Well, ex-boyfriend now.

Christmas Eve was going so well, and you were going to surprise him by driving all the way to New-York to see him. You connected the dots when a woman half dressed answered the door. You cried yourself all the way down to the parking lot, just to realize you had locked your phone and keys in your car.

This left you in the position of wandering around New York in a blizzard, with nothing but a thin jacket covering yourself and clothes underneath. Nobody was outside, it wasn't that late, but due to the storm, the usual crowd was almost nonexistent.

Desperately and through the snow, you looked for a small shop or store that you could sit in. Just until the storm passed. A few feet ahead held a small.. dance studio maybe? A recording studio? Something of the likes.

Not really caring what the place was, you knew it was open due to the warm glow shining inside it. You didn't waste a second running towards the place, quickly opening the door and shutting it behind you. A little ding from a bell followed your entrance.

Sighing, and wiping your frozen face, you examined the place.

It held a polished wooden floor, and teal walls. Trophies hung on the walls and shelves scattered around the room. A desk was set right by the entrance, but no one was seated at it.

You walked forward to find chairs and tables set around, and 4 different studios with glass windows set around you. Each on a wall. Only one studio was lit, allowing you to see the inside. Being the curious person you are, you moved closer to the glass.

Inside was a man with an Afro and a baseball cap on, singing into a microphone. Controls were set around him, but none of them were being used.

You assumed the glass was only one way, or the man would be quite disturbed as to why a random girl was staring at him.

Though, you for sure didn't mind.

You knocked on the glass, gaining his attention. His head turned towards the one way glass, and him now knowing someone was here, walked towards the door.

It opened and his eyes widened slightly at you.

"Hey I'm sorry for intruding. Just the storm was getting bad, and this studio was the only this open."

He chuckled, clearing seeing your state. Which was, flushed cheeks, ice cold hands, messy hair and snow all over. "Nah that's okay. What's your name?"

"Y/N, yours?"

"Daveed. Nice to meet you, want to just join me in the studio until the storm passes?"

"Is it warm in there?" You ask.


"Then absolutely." You laugh.

Daveed leads you back into the studio he was previously singing in, holding the door open for you.

"I just need to finish up some things, then until this storm passes, we can get to know each other." He said.

"Sure why not." You shrug, taking one of the seats in the studio.

You watch him walk over to the microphone and throw on a set of headphones. A beat started playing along with a preset drum rhythm.

Then he started rapping and singing Christmas songs! You immediately fell in love with his voice, and realized he had a real talent.

You started humming along some harmony to "Silent Night." You got so into it, you didn't realize that he had stopped singing, to listen to your humming. Which had quickly turned into quiet singing.

"Wow, you're pretty good." He smiled.

Your head shot up at the sound of his voice, cheeks immediately reddening.

"I, uh thanks." You smile.

"Wanna come in here and sing with me?"

"Wait.. really?"

"Yeah come on!" Daveed grabbed your hand and pulled you in, putting a pair of headphones on your head as well.

Light bells started to play, as Daveed started singing Silent Night. You decided to come in during the second chorus, adding harmony. As soon as he heard your voice he looked to you in shock. The two of you finished the song, laughing at the end of it.

"Girl you can sing Y/N! You should give me your number so we can do this again sometime."

"Sure thing." You smiled wide.

A/N: this sucked I'm so sorry

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