Eliza x Reader

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Time: Present
Warnings: This story can be put into any gender you want! I tried to make it pretty neutral.

It was my social studies teacher in 6th grade that had sparked my interest in history. Her name was Mrs. Kinsley, a short Korean woman who was basically a child inside. She made every boring lesson so amazing, and every text book test interesting. And, I thought it was her personality and fun teaching methods that led me to tolerate that class. Trust me, she was an extraordinary teacher, but it was the history that filled me with joy each school day.

My love for our past grew throughout middle school and into high school, to where now I plan on majoring in history. I thought our teachers were insane when they started talking to us in 7th grade about college. It was so far away! Who cares now? But now as a senior, if you don't have a college picked or a life plan, you're screwed. So I mentally thank those annoying teachers.

I take every class that works with history, and I just suck in every peace of information. And just to make my inner fan girl/boy explode even more, a musical titled Hamilton came out just this year. It had quickly became my favorite thing of all time.

Alexander Hamilton wouldn't of been my first choice if I were to make a musical of a historical figure. I hadn't realized his great significance to America. I very quickly fell in love with the characters after listening to the soundtrack. From there I found my closest group of friends, who are all greatly obsessed with musicals. Which, by the way, became my second passion. (Despite the fact I had no ability to sing.)

Though with my uninteresting life, and ordinary friends, I never would of expected something extraordinary to happen to me. So, it did come to a surprise when some of our favorite founding fathers and friends appeared in my bedroom.


It was a very busy night in New Jersey, busier than usual. Thank Jesus they had cancelled school today, so in honor of our freedom, my friends decided to all meet at my house to hangout. There was Albany, your favorite goofy redhead, Charlie the girl with a perfect smile and golden curls, and Derek, your handsome crystal blue eyeballed kid.

Yes it seems like the perfect friend group, I'm aware. But we all had our flaws. The day had been perfect, we played games, ordered pizza (which came 2 hours late) and watched movies. Currently we were finishing the fries and pizza with some ranch.

"But ranch is disgusting, I wanna gag just looking at it." Charlie commented, dipping her own pizza in ketchup.

"Well who the hell dips their pizza in ketchup?!" I say, watching as Charlie shoves her slice in her mouth. We've been having this argument since the pizza arrived. Derek immediately asked for the ranch, and Charlie came back with the ketchup.

"Honestly pizza shouldn't be dipped in anything else than its own sauce." Albany held up her side dish of pizza sauce that she was dipping her slice in.

"No that's like...dipping your pizza in its own insides." Derek's hands flew up in the air.

"Yeah really. Why would you- Y/N WATCH OUT!"

I look up at Charlie who had yelled, and noticed your own ranch dripping on the floor, extremely close to my Hamilton book.

"Oh shoot. Thanks Charlie." I wiped up the ranch.

"Ya know you really are in love with that." Derek smirked.


"The book. The Hamilton one." Albany joined, making eye contact with Charlie who added,

"Wouldn't it be awful.."

"If someone were to..."

"tAKE IT?"

Derek grabbed your Hamilton book and ran, Albany and Charlie following. Choking on my pizza I ran up the stairs, following them.

"Come on this is childish!" I whined, opening up each door in the hallway, looking for my friends. "Guys!"

A bang came from my bedroom.

"I swear to god if that was my book!" I walked over to my room and swung the door open.

And I expected a million things to be found when I opened that door. A million other things than what I actually saw.

There stood Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Eliza, and Angelica Schuyler.

"What the hell?!"


A/N: I'm going to end this chapter here, because I felt so bad for not posting a chapter in a month, and I wanted to get at least something out there.

I have no excuse for not posting this entire month, besides the fact of losing inspiration.

But... something amazing has happened and I got my inspiration back.

We hit #978 in fanfiction!

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We hit #978 in fanfiction!

I'm so so so thankful for all of you, and I PROMISE part 2 to this chapter will be published by the end of the week.

I'm so sorry for the lack of activity, I do not deserve #978.

Thank you.

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