Daveed x Reader

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Time: Present (Original Hamilton Cast)

Warnings: fluff, most likely will be part two, literally one swear word

Never In A Million Years

Daveed's POV (Woah didn't expect that)

Y/N had been in the Hamilton show for just about a year now. And 11/12 of those months I've spent having a huge crush on her.

She played Sally Hemmings in the ensemble, being a second soprano, which held the hardest part in all our harmonies. She's an excellent singer, an even better dancer, and Lin even offered her the role of Eliza.

But when Y/N heard Phillipa sing during auditions all those months ago, she gave the part up to her. She would always tell me she was 'satisfied' with her role as Sally. She would get to dance with me, she'd say. Doing a little smirk every time she said satisfied, showing her adorable dimple.

So basically, Y/N was perfect.

Just looking at her made my heart melt, and everyone but her seems to know I'm in love with her. I mean, Anthony and Oak have a bet going on in the chalk board in the back. I'm pretty sure everyone in the cast had placed their bet on when we would get together, and wrote on the board. I mean, Jasmine bet 100 bucks with Anthony we'd get together by the end of July. Anthony says by the end of the week.

On the first day of practice Lin sat us next to each other and we immediately clicked. We became the closest cast members, always by each other at practice and hanging out afterward.

But tomorrow was the day I would ask her to be my girlfriend, I mean we were already best friends. I didn't care if Y/N liked me back or not, I needed to try. If anything, we would remain being friends, right?

We had just finished a long and painful 7 hour rehearsal, for we had show at 2:00 tomorrow. I approached Lin with an idea.

I saw him exit his changing room, now out of costume.

"Hey Lin!" I called.

He turned around at the sound of my voice.

"Daveed what's up?" He said.

"Do you have anything planned for our Ham4Ham show tomorrow?" I asked.

"I was actually going to ask Y/N to sing a duet with Pippa. They've been begging me." He laughed.

"That would be perfect becau-" I got cut off by a certain someone.

"What about me?" Y/N peeked her head around out the door of her dressing room, her H/C hair swaying behind her.

"Do you want to do tomorrow's Ham4Ham show?" Lin asked.

"Yes!" She cheered and jumped up and down. "Finally thank you so so much Lin!" She ran over to us and tackled Lin in a hug.

I laughed as they both fell to the ground, and I helped Y/N up.

She giggled and ruffled my fro, my face heating up.

"We still on for movie night at my place?" She asked.

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