Jefferson x Reader

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A/N: Sorry for the small hiatus. It was a much needed break, and will be explained in my next chapter.

College AU :) You're Hamilton's twin sister btw

Someone once told Y/N that her senior year of college would be the best year of the entire experience. And at the moment Y/N would like to punch that person right in the face. Or worse, make them stub their toe on a table.

She tapped her foot anxiously as she sat at the dark wooden desk placed in her dorm room. Her computer screen couldn't of been anymore infuriating than in that moment. For hours on end she had sat there working on various essays for all of her classes. But this history report in particular had been giving her a difficult time. The girl's positive she had been typing the same sentence for hours.

It was currently 4 AM, the time Y/N was usually up doing homework she had procrastinated on previously. Also the time her roommate was always out drinking at a party, so her dorm was quiet and inanimate. Just how she liked it.

The tapping of her converse had ceased, and soon Y/N's fingers found their way to her mess of hair. She closed her eyes against the bright screen and let out a soft sigh. At this point, she might as well take the F.

Thinking maybe all she needed was break, Y/N picked up her iPhone placed beside her. Her finger hovered over her boyfriend's contact. As much as she didn't want to wake him, she really needed the encouragement he had never hesitated to give her. Right when the thumb of her hand would be placed on the touchscreen, a quick knock was heard from outside the door. Confusion immediately replaced the look on her face. The girl wasn't expecting anyone.

Maybe it was her brother, Alexander, who would sometimes come over late at night to do his homework with her. He was the only other person she knew that would dedicate hours on end to their work. But, if you couldn't tell by looking at the pair that they were twins, you'd definitely be able to tell by their strikingly similar personalities. Both Y/N and Alex were intelligent workaholics constantly eager to put out their best work. They each had a ambitious and cocky side that contradicted their caring side.

Curiously, Y/N rose from her seat and opened the door. Immediately, a tired smile graced her lips at the sight of her boyfriend, Thomas Jefferson, standing there.

"I knew you would be awake." He pecked her lips and let himself inside.

Y/N stood there in shock. "Babe- what? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to tell you to go to bed." He grabbed her wrists and led her to the small twin sized bed in the corner. "It's late, and finals start tomorrow."

"That's exactly why I need to stay up Tom!"

Thomas sighed and sat on the bed, Y/N following his actions. "Okay, we can compromise then." He leaned back further, snuggling into her various blankets. His arms opened wide, "We take a 15 minute nap, and then you can continue with your homework."

She rolled her eyes at the sight of him. But when a wave of drowsiness washed over her, she couldn't resist snuggling into his warm chest. His arms found their way wrapped around her small figure, and she let out a soft sigh. "Thank you." Y/N murmured, before her eyes closed.

Thomas chuckled at how fast she had fallen asleep, and after running his hands through her hair for a few moments, he had fallen asleep too.


Alex called Y/N one last time, but gave up when he got her voicemail yet another time. He decided he had no time for this, and grabbed his backpack to head to her dorm. The walk only lasted 5 minutes, a path Alexander knew by heart. Despite the fact they lived in the biggest buildings of the dorms. It could get tricky to navigate.

He knocked on the wooden door labeled '519' a handful of times whilst tapping his foot. Y/N was going to cause him to be late, and there's no way he could miss his Physics final. He let his knuckles pound on the door several more times, this time more vigorously. When yet again no one answered, Alex pulled a spare key out of his pocket. He had never had to use it before, but there was first time for everything.

Alexander suspected a lot of different reasons to why his twin sister was not answering her door, but none of them were as shocking to what he actually saw. The layout of each dorm room was the same. Right when you walk in there is a small living area where you can just fit a small couch, which was connected to the equally as small kitchen. You make a left and there was a single bathroom, you make a right and there were three doors, all directly next to each other.

The doors on the left and right were individual bedrooms, where you can fit a twin sized bed and desk. The door in the middle of those two held a narrow storage cabinet. Alex walked into the empty dorm, weary of where his sister was.

Y/N's TV was still on, and volume low. And just for a moment Alex feared for her safety. Maybe she had been taken, or harassed. She didn't go to parties, so that was out of the question. He peered around the right, where three out of the three doors were shut. Of course to Y/N's luck, her bedroom door was wide open.

Alexander's jaw dropped in shock, and the books in his arms were dropped on the ground. There Y/N laid, peacefully in the arms of Thomas Jefferson.

The couple jumped at the large bang the books made once reaching the ground. Alexander didn't hesitate with his questions. "What the hell is this?" He stormed into the bedroom, ignoring his sister's wide eyes and frightened expression. "Jefferson, what did you do to her? Did you hurt her?"

Thomas stood up, protectively standing in front of Y/N, who was in tears. She was planning on telling her brother about the relationship after finals. The twins never kept anything from each other. "I did not have sex with your sister, Hamilton."

Alex was still enraged, "Then why are you here with her?!"

Thomas glanced at Y/N who nodded and sniffled. "We're dating. We have been for 6 months."

Hamilton now looked towards his sister, his expression changing from one of anger to betrayal. "You didn't even think to tell me?" He was hurt.

"Of course I wanted to!" Y/N cried. "I just couldn't find the time! You guys are complete enemies and I was afraid of your reaction."

Alex sighed, being careful not to let his voice break. "You know I'm happy whenever you're happy. Even if it is with..." He looked towards Thomas, "Jefferson."

"You mean it? You're not mad?"

"Oh I'm pissed." He said without missing a beat. "And I'm hurt you didn't tell me.... But he's good to you?"

Y/N looked at her boyfriend. "He's great to me."

"Then we'll finish this conversation later. I'll be talking to you too." Alex says sternly to Jefferson. "But we've got to get to class."

Y/N sighed in relief and ran into her brother's arms. "Thank you so much."

Alex rolled his yes, knowing he was still going to ram her ass later, it was just that they were in a rush now. "Yeah, whatever. Just remember... I'm still older by 11 minutes."

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