Philip x Reader [4]

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It was getting late and inevitably time for Y/N to return home. When getting her stuff together, Eliza was the one to point out the storm. Outside, gray clouds hung in the sky, with the accompany of fierce lighting and thunder. But a big giveaway was the heavy rain pounding on the roof. Although the storm was intense and all, it allowed Y/N to spend the night at the Hamilton's. Which, Y/N was proud to say, she had planned. Her and Alexander's conversation had ended after his new introduction, and there was so much more to be said.

Eliza handed her a fuzzy pillow and blanket and lead her upstairs, across the hall from Philip's room. "Would you mind sleeping in Angie's room? I'm afraid we don't have an extra bed or an air mattress. I would also offer the couch, but it's quite lumpy." She gave a sheepish smile. "Angelica has the biggest bed."

"I don't mind at all, Eliza. Again, thank you so much."

"No problem." But before Eliza walked away from the bedroom's entrance, Y/N stopped her. "But do you mind if I hangout with Philip for a while longer before I actually sleep?"

Y/N wasn't afraid to show her eagerness to see him again. "That's fine. I'm really glad you two are getting along." She didn't hide her smirk. "I'm sure he has some movies you can watch."

"Sounds great!" Y/N gave a rare toothy grin at the woman, making her smile back. Her footsteps echoed down the hallway as she walked away, and Y/N turned around and instead walked into Philip's room. Her blanket and pillow at hand. She knocked softly three times, halfway regretting it incase he didn't hear. But at the sound of his 'It's open!' She twisted the door knob.

"Hey freckles. Is it okay if I hang with you until I go to sleep?" Y/N spoke, watching as he put down his phone.

Philip smiled at the nickname he was given earlier. "Of course."

Y/N walked over towards him and plopped herself, her blanket, and her pillow on his bed. "Eliza said you had movies."

His eyes lit up. "Oh, tons." He sat upright off the bed and walked over to a bookshelf filled with movies. Y/N didn't get around much. She simply did what was needed survive; pickpocketing only what was needed. Which was usually enough money to pay her apartment's rent and feed herself. To be honest, for the longest time she was terrified she would be recognized and brought back to her foster home. Or worse, identified as a homeless child and put in an orphanage. So Y/N was not outdoors often.
Therefore there was no time to see the newest movies in the theatre, or even buy it on DVD. So her eyes widened drastically when she saw the shelf of disks.

"This is amazing." The let her fingers glide across the cases. Y/N was fully aware how vulnerable she was around Philip Hamilton. Around literally everyone else she hardened her shell and spoke increasingly more intelligent. Truly thinking before she said each word. Of course, in those circumstances she was usually talking to an adult. A situation in which she felt it was very necessary to be a quick-witted intellectual. But being around a boy her age and someone as admirable as Philip, brought down every wall she held around herself. And Y/N kind of liked it.

"What haven't you seen?" Philip asked. "I've seen about everything here so, your choice." He looked towards Y/N, his curly hair framing his face from behind his ponytail.

The teen chuckled sheepishly. "I haven't seen any of these."

She watched with a grin as Philip stared at her in shock. His mouth parted open, and brown eyes wide. "You're kidding."


"Y/N you can't tell me, in all of your years of living you have not seen any of these great movies right in front of you!"

"But that's exactly what I'm telling you." She crossed her arms and leaned against the light blue wall. If it was even possible, the younger Hamilton looked even more shocked.

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