King George x Reader [3]

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A/N: Thank you for being patient with the crazy updating schedule. I'm going to try not to let school slow down my weekly chapters, and I'll write more on the weekends. Enjoy this finale!!

The girls sat in a stunned silence, glancing at the man they just found out was the King from across the room. He politely asked for a coffee and turned back towards the book in his hands. He sat alone at one of the single tables quietly, very relaxed and carefree, unlike what was expected of a King. Before Y/N or B/F/N were even able to muster a word, his head lifted towards them, his eyes just finishing scanning the last words of his page. He saw their shocked looks.

"Busted?" He asked, an adorable questioning expression gracing his face. His British accent was as evident as ever.

Unsure of how to respond, and slightly unnerved, Y/N spoke with a shocked voice. "U-uh you're the King?"

King George shot up and let out a loud 'shh'. He joined the girls at their table, them willingly making room for him. "Say it any louder and I'll be forced back to the construction." He glanced through the window at his personal castle being built.

"It's a beautiful castle." This time B/F/N found courage to speak. "May I ask why you are hiding? You are aware it is very improper to be seen publicly without your crown and wig."

"Not when no one knows it's you." The blue eyed man winked. "And to answer your question, I needed a break."

"A break from being king?" Y/N cut him off, earning a death stare from B/F/N. After all, she had just interrupted the King of Great Britain. 

He smirked in response, his eyes scanning Y/N's questioning expression. "It's quite difficult ma'am."

"Please call me Y/N." 

The king let his eyes linger for another moment before continuing the conversation with the wide eyed girls. "Well go ahead, ask."

Y/N didn't hesitate, "What's so hard about being a king?" She ignored B/F/N's disapproving  glance.

He exhaled, "Well you know, my foot rub is at 2:00, but at the same time my facial is scheduled and I could not decide which one to do! So instead I had to move the facial up two hours, but I had forgotten that my crown fitting was set for that time-" King George stopped his sarcastic ramble and a large grin spread throughout his face.

Y/N giggled, and honestly B/F/N looked annoyed. She didn't appreciate Y/N's bluntness and the King's proper ass. Nonetheless she tried to push those thoughts aside, for Y/N was the one to pay for this entire trip. And this was their King, as much as she did not enjoy his presence.

"No but truly," his face turned serious, and slightly distressed. Though neither girls caught it. "there's a lot of government issues rising, and conflicts with America. There's word going around about this man-- Alexander Hamilton-- who is trying to dismantle everything we've striven to do."

"Is there anyway we can help?" Y/N asked, bringing her nails to her lips, almost as if to bite them. She scanned his face as he thought, dragging her into her own spiral of reflection. Y/N was always in control of her thoughts and emotions, and needed a moment of recollection. She would not allow herself to get sidetracked. This was their King, and she should treat him and think of him that way. Just like B/F/N was doing.

"Actually. There is." He said, Y/N's eyes lighting up, and B/F/N couldn't deny she was interested as well. "I have my maids, my servants, my army. But I have come to the realization I have no friends."

B/F/N let out a snort, and a quick laugh, immediately silencing herself. The King, much to both of their surprise, gave her a look of amusement. "I can take the judgment. It is simple to understand why people may not enjoy my presence."

"You aren't that bad." She said instantly. "Being such a young man with an important job, and making all of these changes so early in your career can allow room for one to judge. They don't know you personally." Y/N was the one to speak, her best friend nodding swiftly in agreement.

"I like how you think. Now I have an offer," He paused, "come get a foot rub with me."

B/F/N had to hold in another laugh, letting Y/N just continue doing the speaking. Y/N let out a chuckle, "Not the ideal first date..."

King George's face turned a slight pink, much to both of the girls entertainment. He hadn't even considered the fact he was inviting two ladies to a foot rub with him. "Well, perhaps, dinner might be nicee. Tonight... with the both of you." He added, noticing he was mainly gesturing to Y/N, and he did not want to leave B/F/N left out of the equation.

"No it's okay." B/F/N spoke up for the first time in a while, noticing the sparkling glint in her best friend's eyes. "You two go off to dinner without me. I shall find us a place to stay and we can continue our travels tomorrow." 

Y/N gave her the must grateful look she could muster, not expecting the kindness. Hiding the red tint in her cheeks, she thanked B/F/N.

"Please, Y/N meet me at this very spot tonight."

"Of course, my King."

A/N: So that's a wrap on this little series! Hope you enjoyed, I decided to sneak this update in right before I went to bed. I have a happy, sad, and REALLY dark epilogue to this King George x Reader story. Do you guys want one of them? If so, comment which one and maybe I'll write it. 

Thank you for reading! Comment and star!!!

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