Jefferson x Reader

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Time: Present
Warnings: angry hammy

I Love Him

Thomas and I have been dating for almost two years now. Two years that my brother, Alexander, had no idea about.

I have been pregnant for about a month now. And finally scrounged up the courage to tell Thomas. I had no idea how he would react, because now we'd have to tell Alex about our relationship. Alex and Thomas work together, and constantly have disagreements. And I have to hear them both complain about it. I get texts from Alexander daily and Thomas comes home from work every day complaining.

We both have been putting our relationship news off, scared of his reaction. Oh, he's going to kill me when he finds out I'm pregnant. We've never talked about kids! We're not even married!

He's going to kick me out to the streets for sure. I waited until Thomas came home from work, he walked through the door, exhausted.

"Hey Thomas!" I greeted him with a kiss.

He looked at me weirdly, "You're never waiting at the door when I get back from work."

"Yeah, but I missed you extremely today." I said, it's not a total lie.

"But I'm home early Y/N."

I looked at the clock placed on the wall.


"Oh how the time flies, I didn't even know." I lied. Horribly. My voice got higher with each word.

"Are you okay?" He rushed toward me and placed his hand on my forehead. "You aren't sick, are you? God forbid Madison, spreading his germs everywhere. I may have brought it home with me! Man I'll have to tell him-"

"We need to talk." I interrupted him, finally facing my fears. He looked at me worriedly but sat on the couch. I sat across from him.

"Thomas- we've never really talked- I- well- I'm pregnant." I sputtered out in a mess of words.

He froze.

My heart sank and he repeated it, "Pregnant."

The words rolled off his tongue.

He suddenly smiled, which made me smile.

"I'm going to be a dad?" He jumped up.

"Yes. You're going to be a dad." I said softly. Alex was forgotten.

He picked me up and twirled me around, kissing me passionately.

"We are going to be parents." I said, his eyes twinkled.

He rubbed my stomach that had no baby bump yet.

"Parents!" He repeated. I grinned.

"So I'm not getting tossed on the streets?" I asked.

"Tossed on the streets? Y/N who do you think I am?"

"Well we've never talked about children. I thought for sure with Alex-" I stopped. Oh why did I bring up his name?!

"Hamilton." He snarled.

"You know we are going to have to tell him. There's no hiding it, I'm going to start showing eventually."

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