Anthony x Reader

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Warnings: B/F/N = Best Friends name, minor foul language
Time: Present, OBC

That Escalated Quickly

"Wait you're kidding, right?" You say.

"100% serious Y/N. You have a beautiful voice, I'm sure you and I could go way further than Hamilton." Anthony commented, leaning against your counter.

"So.. you want me.. to work.. with you.." you started.

"On a song.." He finished, nodding his head and chuckling.

"Anthony you have no idea how much this means to me."

"Anything for my best friend." (Friend Zoned)

Your heart exploded.

"Y-yeah. Just call me anytime. I'm excited."

"Same here, I'll see you later, Kay?"

"Kay bye." You waved as he walked out the door.

Okay let's get some background. You and Anthony met once both being casted in Hamilton, and have recently been hanging out. Just a few weeks of movie nights and brunches led to now making a song with him.

Let's just say you were beyond thrilled. As soon as you heard the door downstairs slam shut, you grabbed your phone.

"Oh my god B/F/N you will not believe what just happened!"

"What did Anthony brush against your shoulder, or majestically lick his lips.. or even.. make eye contact with you today?!" She said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up! If you were in New York with and me and could see him, you'd be drooling."

"Yeah whatever.. so really what's up?" She asked.

"Anthony asked me to be included in a song he's writing!" You squeal.

"How did I know it was about him.."

"Shut up B/F/N and just be happy for me!"

"I am beyond excited for you. Congrats bro."

"Thank you your excitement is appreciated." You giggle. "Anyway it's getting late, I'll keep you updated."

"I wouldn't expect any less from you, Y/N. Talk to you later."

And with that she hung up.

You headed to bed, dreaming about the thrilling upcoming events.


Waking up was difficult considering the time you went to bed last night. And you had a 2:00PM show today, great.

You hurriedly packed a backpack and snacks and rushed to the theatre down the street. Sprinting into the main entrance, you sped to your dressing room, desperately pushing past people.

Your arm was grabbed my someone.

"Y/N!?" Anthony said when you stopped your running.

"I know I know, I'm running behind.. I really have to get ready so I would appreciate it if.."

"Y/N calm down. We don't have a show until 4:00PM."

"You're kidding me." You say, your entire face turning red.

"Yeah, but I guess you're not late then huh?"

"I guess not." You basically felt like you wanted to cry, you're such a freak.

"You're not a freak." Anthony said, rubbing your arm.

"Shit. I said that out loud didn't I?" You chuckle.

"Indeed. How about we chill in my dressing room until it's actually time to get ready?"

"Sounds good." You comply, letting him grab your hand and lead you to the dressing room you were quite familiar with.

You guys sat in a sort of awkward silence once inside Anthony's dressing room. Which was strange for the two of you because conversation was always flowing.

Anthony was the one to break the silence, "You know, you look really hot in this lighting." He commented, referring to the dulled lights hung in his dressing room.

"That's what you decided to break the silence with?" You chuckle. "A compliment?" This was your way of trying not to burst with joy over the fact he complimented you.

"The.. sexual tension..?" He suggested, slowly getting closer to you.

Your breathing hitched as he was now right in front of your face. "If.. that's what you want to call it."

His eyes flickered to your lips, your eyes doing the same to his.

"Oh just kiss me already." 

No hesitation occurred, when he smashed his lips into yours, causing a mild make-out session to occur in his dressing room.

A/N: I published my BMC story last week if you wanna check that out! I'll be updating another chapter in that book soon. Also thanks for 33k! I love you guys so much.

Again, thanks to the readers who star and comment. Reading your comments makes my day! ; )

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