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"Give her space, don't push your own agenda. Try to keep her talking about whatever she wants to talk about, no matter what it is because that's how you strike gold. And if there is―"

"Okay, okay. I got it." Colbie repeated to Dunlop "I can do this, don't worry."

"Let her feel comfortable, it will probably take you a few days to earn her trust. Don't worry about it, just be cool."

"Okay!" She said laughing at his anxiety. "Don't worry. I can do this, I know I can."

"So do I. I'm just looking out for you, kid."

"I know, I know."

"I'll tell Fred to bring the car."

"Actually, if that's fine, I brought my bike. I'd feel much better on my bike."

"You serious?" Colbie thought he would be angry. She knew he was very protective of her.

"Yeah. It's like eight kilometres, I'll be fine."*
(Author Note: About five miles)

"Okay, but call if you need anything, ya?"

She nodded. She thought the cold air, the exercise and the quiet way to the cottage would allow her to organise her own thoughts. She had to think about how she was supposed to approach this. Yes, yes, she knew Dunlop gave her tips but, honestly, being traditional with Laura Spafford hadn't really worked. Colbie wasn't sure what she'd said to her, but Laura told Dunlop that 'the girl made sense,' and she thanked the gods for that.

Colbie created an imaginary script; a list of the things she wanted to ask Laura Spafford and in which order. From general to specific, from trivial to intimate. And she must not push her luck. Just because Miss Spafford had accepted didn't mean she wouldn't change her mind at any sign of intrusion, and Colbie couldn't blame her. A story about yourself must be intimate for it to be good. It must have passion, sincerity, depth. Otherwise, it was just another empty vessel for another empty story.

Colbie arrived at Laura Spafford's at 10 AM. She looked at herself to make sure she was presentable. It's just something she tends to do when she's about to meet with someone and feels nervous. Colbie leant her bike against the wall next to the pedestrian entrance and pressed the grey button on the intercom to announce herself.

"Yeah?" She heard Laura's voice on the other side of the line.

"Miss Spafford? I'm Colbie Stuart, I'm the writer who's―"

"Right, right, right," Laura rushed to answer. "Come righ' in."

The door buzzed to let Colbie in.

She was about to knock on the front door when Laura herself opened up. She looked a bit more decent. She'd taken a shower and put on good clothes, but the bags under her eyes and her paleness were still there.

"Hey there," she said with a barely noticeable smile. She walked Colbie in and turned to her with her arms open, "Welcome to Casa de Laura," she seemed to regret that name immediately, "Or Laura's house, or Laura's castle. I got it. Laura's Fortress of Solitude."

When she said that, Lock shouted out from the kitchen, "I'm not moving out!"

She tilted her head and added, "Okay, Laura's Fortress of almost Solitude," making Colbie laugh. "So, what now?"

Laura's question took her off guard. Colbie remembered she was the one in charge. She was the one who knew how things worked and she was supposed to guide Laura through the whole process trying her hardest not to scare her off. "Well, now... hmm. It's there a place we can sit and just have a chat?"

This Way Comes (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now