Why not?

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In the past four days, Colbie had barely spoken to Laura. They saw each other every single day, they smiled at each other and tried to speak to one another as often as they could, but for Colbie someone was always complaining about the lines, someone was always unable to capture the essence of the character, something always needed to be sorted here or there. Of course, Colbie was simply the writer, but she was also the co-creator of the project and making sure things worked was as much her responsibility as it was Dunlop's. And there was always some idiot who wanted to pretend they were too deep for the character.

The man playing Laura's father who had fewer scenes than the one playing her mother, had complained about that. Colbie explained that Laura's mother had a bigger effect on her than her father. The guy said 'I call bullshit' acting like the scenes were been given to women, out of sexism. Colbie didn't have time for this nonsense. She had already had an argument with him that same morning when he asked, 'I don't get this character, he seems a bit off. I mean, as him, what's my motivation', to which Colbie replied 'Your motivation is that you're an insecure excuse for a human being and even worse dad.' There was always something, she hadn't had a day off in three weeks and was working twelve hours a day. She needed a break.

Laura on the other hand, was always trying to keep Mark away from Colbie. Her manager had a thing for Colbie, and she couldn't blame him, but she needed him to be professional. Or that's what she told herself when Mark asked Colbie out and Laura grabbed him by the arm to scold him. As an answer, Colbie did what Colbie does, she blushed, looked away, felt awkward and then left.

But Mark was good at his job. He had already got Laura three interviews for the upcoming months, a cameo in the movie, just for laughs, and was trying to get her an advertising deal again.

"Once this film is out, the money you're gonna make out of it, will be the least of your incomes. I've got great plans for you, Laura." He said one day, standing by the pastry table taking the cap off a bottle of water. He took a sip and added, "I'm telling you, you'll be back in the horse."

"I don't really care about the money, Mark. I just wanted to do this."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shut up, Colbie is coming this way."

As Laura turned to watch the redhead approach, Mark stood straight, ran his fingers through his hair and smelled himself to make sure he smelled of perfume.

"Hey," she said to Laura, with a smile so sweet Laura felt she would melt.

"Hey there," Mark called attention on himself.

Colbie gazed at Mark and her sweet smile turned into an awkward smile. "Hey."

"Have you thought about going out with me?"

And that was the reason why she didn't want to approach him. Colbie had always been bad at rejecting someone. Mostly because she had been rejected plenty of times and she didn't want to make anyone feel what she felt every time she was interested in a guy and that guy turned out to be interested in a more sophisticated, more confident, prettier girl. Thus making Colbie feel insecure and bad about herself.

"Uh, yeah but I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not? A nice bottle of wine, risotto prepared by an Italian and, you know, a nice walk under the stars."

"She's not interested, Mark." Laura replied saying what Colbie didn't, but wanted.

"Yet. She's not interested yet." Mark said hopefully.

Colbie had never said it, but Mark was one of the reasons she and Laura couldn't spend much time together. Mark seemed like a nice guy, but he wasn't taking the hint which made Colbie feel uneasy around him.

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