The set

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"How does it feel? Being back in the set, I mean." Mark asked while Laura stared out the car window.

She breathed in. "It's not the set what worries me."

"Ooh. I heard the girl playing you is fit."

"Jesus, Mark. She's like fourteen years younger than you."

"Haven't you heard? Age is just a number."

"Said the people who need that to be true.

"Hey!" he exclaimed twisting on his seat to face me. "I'm not that old."

"Old? No. Young enough to date a twenty-one-year-old... also no."

Mark smiled, playfully. "Got it. Hands off the girl playing you. Get it? Playing you." He repeated.

It was a silly pun but he was as excited to say it as if it were the best joke anyone had ever come up with, that's what actually made people laugh at Mark's joke. Not that they were funny, but the enthusiasm he told them with.

"I'm not interested in the girl. Just don't go off bothering the ladies while I'm trying to work."

"No promises."

Laura smiled. Mark could be a bit of cunt, she thought, and by a bit, she meant a huge cunt, but deep down he was a good guy. He just has a weakness for the ladies. Laura couldn't say she blamed him.

They parked outside and made their way into the studio. Originally the idea was for the accident to be the first thing they filmed, but since it was raining, it could end up in injuries and lawsuits. So instead, Francis Dunlop said it would be better to start with a conversation Laura had with her mother in her hotel room. She was fifteen.

As they walked into the huge building, the lights caught her attention. She missed being in a studio. The lights in the ceiling, the people running with either pastry or coffee from one place to the other, someone yelling at someone else 'cause they couldn't find 'the thing'. Laura breathed in. Everything looked like chaos, but she knew it was only till they were ready to shoot. To the left of the studio, there was a table with coffee, water, pastries, and sandwiches. That's where she saw Colbie. The girl had a cup of coffee in one hand and a cinnamon roll in the other.

"Wait here," Laura said to Mark while she headed for Colbie.

Before reaching her, Laura ran her hands through her hair, looked at her outfit to make sure she looked okay. Laura gazed up as Colbie took a bite off the cinnamon roll, then she turned to Laura.

Laura froze, she didn't know what to do, what to expect. Would Colbie even be happy to see her? All those questions were answered as Colbie almost choke when she saw Laura. She placed her coffee and cinnamon roll down and ran to Laura to throw her arms around the ex-athlete's neck.

Colbie held Laura close for what Laura considered three seconds in heaven. Then, abruptly, the writer pushed away and said, "Oh, sorry. Was that too much? I know you're not a hug-person. I'm sorry. I was just so happy to see you."

"No, no. that's okay," Laura replied. "I'm happy to see you, too."

Colbie grinned and, with hesitance, hugged Laura again, just an instant. As she retrieved, she asked. "How are things? How's Lock?"

"Great. He asks about you a lot."

Colbie's eyes widened. "He does? I'm sorry I haven't visited much but this is crazy. I get to work at seven I get home at nine. It's insane."

Laura opened her mouth to say something but found herself interrupted by Mark, who pushed her aside, extended his hand towards Colbie and spoke. "Mark Barnet. I'm Laura's manager. And you beautiful-thing are?"

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