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Laura and Lock sat in silence across from the physician holding her test results. The doctor was reading the papers on his desk carefully while they waited. This was the last thing she'd wanted to do. Get some blood work done to see if she had any STDs, if her sugar was too high from all that vodka, tequila, rum and gin, and see if her liver was still in regular working condition. Colbie had also suggested to check her kidneys, and even though Laura complained, she didn't refuse.

"No STDs," said the doctor finally.

Lock sighed, "Thank God."

"Liver is in good shape but there is some adipose tissue at the bottom. Probably due to the excessive consumption of alcohol. It should go away in a few months if you stop drinking. Kidneys and heart are perfect. Luckily, Miss Spafford, you are young and alcoholism hasn't done the worst it can yet."

"Hooray for me," Laura replied.

"You know, you should count yourself lucky. For someone who drank from the moment she got up to the moment she went to bed, your health should be a lot worse," Lock commented.

The doctor didn't add anything, but it was clear he agreed with Lock. It almost looked like he was expecting a much dimer result.

"I believe that is it," said the doctor. "I'm happy to see you are getting better and better."

Laura stood up and left the office without saying anything else. Lock apologised saying she'd been more irritated lately. Part of her process of being clean.

Lock caught up to Laura outside the building, she was trying to unwrap a piece of gum but the slippery paper kept refusing to twist the right way. Laura became so frustrated with it that she threw it into the nearest trash can. Lock took the pack of gum, stuck out one piece and gave it to Laura. She grabbed it, clearly angry at her own inability to get some gum for herself. She chewed on it and waited for Lock to stop a cab.

The ride home was silent, they weren't really speaking to each other that much since Laura's mood had become fluctuating, unpredictable. The way she herself put it 'Withdrawal is a bitch'. Halfway to the house, Laura's phone rang.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey, how was it?" Colbie's voice helped make Laura a bit calmer. Her shoulders lowered, her voice softened and the wrinkles around her lips flattened.

"Well enough. No permanent health issues."

"That's great news!"

"Yeah, I guess. Sugar was a bit high, liver has some fat but doctor said it should get better now that I quit."

"Okay, that's good. Have you puked today?"

"Not really."


Laura closed her eyes and sighed, "Yes."


"Now and then."


"Every waking moment."

"It will get better. It's only been two weeks since you quit and the first days were the worst. From here on out things will get better."

"I hope so."

"Are you going to AA today?"

"Do I have to? I've been doing pretty damn well on my own."

"I know, but you should also have some type of space you can use to talk about things, and also to realise you're not alone in this. Plus you've postponed this twice already."

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