The Accident

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Lock tried to open his eyes to realise the light bothered him. What a night. He rubbed his eyes with his fingers and tried to open them again. He was lying on the couch, shirtless. He couldn't remember why he took his shirt off, it wasn't like he exercised a lot so it wasn't to show off. He sat up and massaging his temples. Then looked up at the disaster in front of him.

"It must've been a great party, 'cause I don't remember anything." He whispered to himself, then stood up and turned around. "Where's my shirt?"

He was rubbing his arms up and down trying to warm himself up when he felt his shirt being thrown at his face. He grabbed it and turned to Laura, who had a garbage bag on her hand and was picking everything up. "Come on, put it on and help me out," she said.

Lock put his shirt on and sat back down. "What are you doing?"

Laura tried not to walk on the pieces of broken glass scattered throughout the floor and glanced up. "I'm learning new moves from Hector Fucking Lavoe. What you think I'm doing? I'm cleaning up."

"Why? Weren't you the one who taught me 'if it doesn't smell, it doesn't need cleaning'?"

Laura continued putting every broken piece of glass, empty beer, empty bottle or paper cup she could find in the bag. "No. I mean yeah, but I promised Colbie I would turn the drinking down a notch. I ain't really keeping my promise am I?"

"Then tell her that. What is she now, you're life advisor?"

"No. But I promised."

"And I don't get why." Lock said with a cocky smile Laura wanted to erase off his face.

"What?" he shrugged "What?"

"She's cute."

"Oh, shut up!" Laura exclaimed trying to put everything in the bag.

"I'm just stating a fact. She's cute, she's sweet, she's smart. She's exactly the kind of girl you need."

"I'm not having this conversation with you."

"Why not? Who else then?"

"Pretty much everyone, the script will be finished in a couple of weeks and then it's done."

"They said you could go to the shooting to make sure everything was being portraited right."

"Could you please, just help me out with this?"

"Help you with what?" Colbie asked as she walked into the house, stepping on top of a piece of glass. "Oh..."

"Hey," Laura whispered feeling horrible that Colbie had to see that.

"You had quite a party last night, I'm taking. Need help?" The girl asked.

Laura shook her head. "Nah, that's fine. My lazy arse brother is getting off the couch and helping, right?"

Lock shrugged again and went into the kitchen to get a broom.

Laura stared at Colbie while the girl picked up the garbage bag Laura had been using.

"I know I promised," was everything Laura could bring herself to say.

Colbie frowned. "What?"

"I know I promised I would drink less."

Colbie didn't say anything, she didn't feel in the liberty to be angry at Laura for it. It was true, Laura had promised to drink less after Colbie did the actual math over a week ago. After following Laura around and watching her drink beer after beer, shot after shot, she came to the conclusion that Laura drank close to 200ml of whiskey every day, or seven bottles of beer when she wasn't drinking whiskey. And that was just when she wasn't partying. Whenever Lock threw a party, which he did once a week, she drank up to two bottles of vodka through the night. For a girl so thin, she could really keep her alcohol down.

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