Well, this is awkward

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Colbie was soft. Softer than she could've imagine, and her body felt warm against hers. And as Colbie threw her arms around Laura's neck, she felt compelled to put her hands on Colbie's hips and pull her closer. She had had many first kisses throughout her life, most of which she couldn't remember; some because she didn't want to, some because alcohol didn't want her too, but this kiss... this one she would take to her grave.

Laura could feel her breathing deepening, her heart beating faster, her finger and legs tickling and that butterfly sensation in her stomach. It was perfect.

Until Colbie pushed her away. Laura saw in Colbie the face of terror.

"I, uhm, you, I mean, we shouldn't, we, what," Colbie couldn't formulate a coherent sentence, and Laura knew what that meant.

"No, no, no, no. Wait. Don't freak—" Colbie went inside and slammed the door in her nose without so much as a goodbye. "...out."

Laura took a deep breath. Socially inept, right? As she went back to her motorcycle she laughed at herself. Of course Colbie reacted like that. What was she thinking? Kissing her while she's dating Mark? God knows how far they've gotten. That thought made Laura shake. What if they've already been together? What if she's in love with him. Nah that can't be, they've only been going out for a couple of weeks.

On the other hand, Colbie looked like she'd just seen Freddy Kruger on his underwear or something like that. She was utterly terrified, but at what specifically? At the fact that Laura'd kissed her, or the fact that Colbie had kissed her back. The bad thoughts were piling up inside Laura's head and screaming to get out. What if Colbie didn't really want to kiss her? What if by kissing her she'd ruined their friendship forever? What if now things would get awkward up to the point where they couldn't be in the same room?

"Have you done, Laura?" she murmured to herself as she got on her bike and drove off.

Colbie closed the door feeling her heart pumping blood through her body. She sat on the floor covering her mouth with her hands trying to keep her nerves on their place, but it was useless. She breathed in deeply, then again and again.

"Oh, God. Oh, God, ohGodohGodohGodohGod," she kept saying.

With her hand still on her mouth, her fingertips caressed the lips Laura had just kissed, and what a kiss. She always thought Laura looks like the kind of girl who knows what she's doing when she kisses you, when she touches you. But that kiss, she didn't expect it, which made it even more... enticing.

"Oh, shit!" she screamed, stood up and opened the door trying to find Laura. But she was already gone.

Colbie was so freaked out by that kissed, that her first instinct was to shut Laura out, literally. Now that her brains was beginning to work again, Laura was gone and she was probably thinking that Colbie hated her now. But before she could lose herself in her own thoughts even further, she heard Cleo mowing, almost like saying 'Hey, yeah you, I don't care about what's going on with you. My bowl is empty.'

Colbie snorted, stood up and went to fill Cleo's bowl.

"You kissed her?" Lock yelled turning the telly off.

"Yeah, and she kissed me back. For a moment at least. Then it all went to hell. She pushed me away, slammed the door on my face and I came home. I think I ruined our friendship."

Lock's eyes narrowed as his head leaned to the side. "Maybe not. I mean did she really kissed you back?"

"Well, either that or she was trying to do a dental evaluation with her tongue. And, I mean, she pulled me close, and everything. She wrapped her arms around me and... God... She was so soft, so delicate."

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