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Colbie placed ice on Laura's lip making Laura shiver. Dunlop was rubbing his eyes with his fingers trying to think of how to deal with something like this. He almost thought the shooting had been going too smoothly for a moment. And now this. Laura's manager, for some reason, had decided to punch her. The guy's definitely fired, he thought.

"You okay?" Dunlop asked.

Laura took the bag of ice from Colbie's hands, still pressing it against her lip while she stood up. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"What happened?"

"I ain't got the foggiest, " Laura replied.

Colbie swallowed with a hard sensation on her throat and added, "It was me. I... did it."

Laura and Dunlop turned to look at Colbie. Of course, Laura had her suspicions but considering and knowing are not the same thing. "What'd you mean?" Dunlop questioned.

"I broke up with him. When he asked why I said..." Colbie licked her lips, looked away and added, "I've got feelings for Laura..."

Laura knew it wasn't correct, but she couldn't help herself. A smile big enough to make her look like a child with ice cream appeared on her lips. But the smile didn't last as Dunlop exclaimed "Jesus, Colbie! I warned you! I asked you to be professional, kid! You were dating Laura's manager and Laura."

"No, that's not how it happened, I swear!" Colbie defended herself. "I... I accepted going out with him, we went on a few dates. There's nothing between Laura and I!"

"Yet," Laura said.

"Shut up!" Dunlop and Colbie exclaimed at the same time. Laura gestured she'd zip her mouth closed from now on.

"How are we gonna handle this? Everyone saw it and we can't keep dealing with Laura's scandals."

"Yes, but Laura wasn't the one who fucked up this time. Mark was," Colbie pointed out.

"Yes, those are good news. Let's just act like nothing happen and worry about a scandal if it actually turns up. Laura, when are you firing him?"

Laura looked up baffled. "I—I hadn't even thought about firing him."

"Well, you can't keep him. He punched you!"

"Yeah, but I kissed his girlfriend. I mean fair is fair."

Dunlop turned to Colbie. "You said there was nothing between you and Laura."

"There isn't. We've kissed once. Yesterday. That's it."

Dunlop rubbed his eyes again and turned to Laura. "You have to fire him, Laura. I'm sorry but this is unacceptable. We cannot be dealing with this when there's only a couple of weeks left to finish shooting. Take care of him as soon as possible. And if you two are going to continue snogging, you better keep it bloody quiet. I'm not dealing with any of this again. Please!"

After saying that, Dunlop exited Laura's trailer. Laura sat back down and put ice against her lip again. Colbie sat next to her and said, "I'm so sorry. I—I don't know what I was thinking. I just thought he wasn't going to act like that. I would've never thought he'd act that way. I mean, Mark doesn't look that the kind of—"

"Alright, alright. I get it. You're sorry. You shouldn't be, though. I brought this on myself. You never take someone else's girl. It's such a shitty move."

"I didn't do anything to stop you so... it's not like it was all you. We're both crappy I guess."

"No. I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm sorry."

"I shouldn't have let you."

"But now you're single."


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