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"Damn it," Lock said checking his pockets. "I know I had a list for this. Where did I put it?"

He had lost the grocery list. Again. Laura and Lock took turns to buy groceries every week, and this week was Lock's turn. But every single week, he lost the list.

As he entered the shop, he scratched his head and thought everything left for him to do, was improvise. Buy the 'musts'. He picked up everything he knew was obligatory in his household. Chicken, coffee, tea, eggs, bacon, bread. After he ran through every alley and was happy with the amount of things he was carrying, he stood in line to pay. Next, to the checkout, the magazine stand had something special. Lock grabbed one copy and looked at the cover. On it, there was the girl he always had wanted to date, if only she ever knew he existed. She was a singer and dancer and she had the most beautiful eyes he'd seen. But at the bottom of the cover, something else caught his attention.

"Balls..." he said as he read the title.

* * *

Lock walked into the house, left the groceries on the kitchen counter and ran upstairs to find his sister talking with Colbie in the study.

"Did you? You know, sleep with him?" Colbie asked.

"Of course not." Laura replied "That was just a rumour. You know he wasn't even my type, but when you're famous you can't be friendly to anyone without them writing some stupid gossip or something."

"Yeah, talking about that," Lock said tossing the magazine on top of her desk.

"What's this?" Laura asked, then took the magazine and at the bottom of the cover, she found what Lock was referring to. "Oh, crap." Laura skipped through the pages until she found the story she was looking for, "Oh, no. Fucking hell."

"What? What's wrong?" Colbie asked. Laura turned the magazine over to show it to Colbie.

The name of the story was 'Flipping at the Starbucks'. Under the title, there was a picture of Laura standing next to the girl she clearly had a problem with. The photo made it look like Laura was about to attack her and the story focused on how the girl, whose name turned out to be Francine Cullen, went to the magazine armed with twenty pictures of her encounter with Laura, and how she'd mistreated this Francine.

"Who is that?" Colbie questioned.

"Some girl that pissed me off at the Starbucks like two weeks ago. I didn't even touch her, she was just being a cunt."

"Jesus," Colbie said, then she pulled out her phone and googled Laura Spafford. "Uhm, Laura?"


"This girl said you called her fat ass, ugly bitch, and other misogynistic words."

"What!?" Laura took the phone from Colbie and read it. The girl had gone on interviews and sent letters to a bunch of networks saying someone like Laura Spafford, a misogynistic asshole who thinks she can step all over people, shouldn't be young girls' inspiration. "But I didn't! That girl is throwing this way out of proportion. Everything I did was ask her not to take a picture of me while she said how bad I had aged and laughed at me with her friend. Sure, I ended up yelling at her that she didn't know anything about me, but I never insulted her!" said Laura explaining it to Colbie more than to Lock.

She didn't want Colbie to think the worst of her. That she was just one cocky ex-famous girl who never got over it and went around saying insulting things to women.

"Okay, then what do we do?" Lock asked.

Colbie didn't say anything, but Laura couldn't tell if she had nothing to say, or if she believed the story and was disappointed in her. "I don't know. Maybe I should talk to my old manager. Get an interview. Set things right."

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