The Closet Part 2

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"You said it was a funny yet tragic story. Sorry but it doesn't sound funny, sounds horrible."

"Oh, yeah, that. I helped Len's manager to get some very compromising pictures of my dad doing things I do not dare to say out loud and exchanged them for his silence."

Colbie laughed quietly, then sighed and said, "I'm sorry about Coralen."

"Doesn't matter. It didn't last long."

"Yet you are still trying to protect her after all these years. It did matter to you, didn't it?"

Laura sighed but didn't answer. "Why do you say it like it makes you angry?"

Colbie flushed at that. Yes, it did make her angry, but she had no logical reason. Not one that she wanted to discuss with Laura. "No, it... it doesn't. I just think you must've cared about her a lot to still want to protect her."

"She treated me right. Not a lot of people do that."


Laura frowned with a smile. "For what? You need to stop apologizing for everything, Colbie. Want lunch?"

"What time is it?"

"One. Come on, I'll take you to lunch." Laura stood up and opened the door for Colbie.

Colbie thought there was a huge difference from the girl Laura had been, to the woman she was now. When she was fifteen she was insecure, doubtful, scared. Now, it was different, she was a grown up. She knew what she was capable of, how to express herself and how attractive she was, or at least, how she could look when she took care of herself. She wasn't as dubitative with everything she did and she wasn't apologetic for who she was anymore. Of course, growing up also has its bad sides. The drinking, the dreams shattered, the scars she didn't have at fifteen, and finally, coming to grips with the fact that her family wasn't going to change.

Laura got on the motorcycle knowing Colbie was thinking about something but didn't want to ask what, so instead, she said, "You're gonna love this place."

"What?" Colbie asked looking at the motorcycle.

"What? What's wrong with my bike?"

"Nothing I've just never... I never rode a bike before."

Laura gave her the helmet and said, "Great, I love being a first."

Colbie pushed Laura's arm playfully and got on.

Laura drove like a mad person. She dodged cars like someone was paying her for it, and was about to skip a couple of red lights a few times. Colbie was thankful she could put her feet on the ground when they had finally arrived.

Laura got down laughing. "Oh, come on, that was a breeze on the beach."

Colbie couldn't catch her breath, but as soon as she could form words, she said "I'm taking a cab back."

They entered the restaurant and sat by the window off to the left. When the waiter brought the menus, Colbie noticed everything was a tad-bit expensive.

"The Beef Wellington it's mind blowing here," Laura suggested.

"I don't know, it's sort of... expensive. And I still owe you a laptop."

"What laptop?"

Colbie put her menu down and stared at Laura. "Really?"

"Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about."


"What? Oh, there's the waiter."

Laura asked for a steak medium rare and Colbie followed Laura's advised and asked for the Beef Wellington. Once the waiter left, they continued their conversation.

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