Why does it suddenly matter what I want? Part 1

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Coralen and Laura resumed dating a few weeks after going to have breakfast. Although Laura wasn't completely sure if the word she should be using would be resume as they hadn't dated in eleven years. In the eyes of the world, Coralen was dating a musician. A singer/songwriter she'd met at some awards six months ago. His name was Elliot something. Laura knew of him, but she wasn't really into slow, sweet, I'll-dedicate-that-song-to-my-girlfriend- type of music. As Laura had to go to interviews and travel a lot, they would go back and forward on who was travel to see whom. 

All things considered, it wasn't going too bad for them. They talked, a lot. They laughed, a lot. They went to see movies, have dinner, walk on the beach and all those things that people do when they first start dating. Everything seemed well enough. Except for one tiny little detail. She wouldn't say it out loud. Even when Dunlop asked, she'd say "Nah, I'm fine. I mean, yeah, I think about it sometimes, but then, meh". That was the answer she gave, but she knew it wasn't a hundred percent honest. She was just acting the way she thought people would expect her to act. Normal. Reality was, she couldn't get Colbie out of her head. Not for long periods of time anyway.

But she couldn't tell that to anyone. Lock wasn't there anymore, and she didn't feel like calling him and telling him everything because she knew what her brother would say. 'You did what, Laura?' and 'Jesus, you're a fucking waker.' And apart from him, she didn't trust anyone enough to open up about how she was really feeling. About how it hurt when it hurt. How she missed her when she missed her.

Ironically, the only person she trusted enough to open up about Colbie, was Colbie. 

She and Colbie weren't precisely in speaking terms. Of course, they talked. They had to. They worked together. But beside the 'this is what you can say, this is what the contract says you can talk about' and 'please refrain from speaking about this' there wasn't really much else they talked about. Colbie kept a marked distance that hurt Laura deeply and seeing her every day meant she couldn't give herself time to forget about the writer. She thought they could stay in touch, be part of each other's life. Make things easy. Instead, Colbie ripped off the band-aid. 

As well as things were going with Coralen, she was still not Colbie. And the reality was, she'd never connected with anyone on the same level she connected with Colbie.

Things just kept getting worse. Things had been easy in the beginning. Laura wasn't thinking about Colbie too much, she wasn't waisting hours regretting or cursing at herself. She felt even good about the decision. But as weeks went by, it became worse. She began to miss her, really miss her. So the only way to continue being half-way functional was distracting herself, which was working until something else happened... If Laura believed in God, she'd have thought it was divine retribution.

It happened in New York, where Laura had the misfortune of running into Coralen's fake boyfriend. The guy was everything Coralen had told her. Arrogant, playboy, kind of stupid, but pretended to have a good heart to please the fans. They ran into each other at a cafeteria close to Laura's hotel. She was taking Kathy there as the actress had only just arrived in the States two weeks ago to do her respective interviews. The more interviews they did, the more they wanted to talk to the actors and the less they wanted to talk to Laura, which was perfect with her. She'd forgotten how much she actually hated fame.

Coralen's boyfriend, Elliot was a tall, black-haired guy with a smile as fake as his relationship to Coralen and not a single hair out of place. Laura hadn't seen him until he walked up to them to say hello. Even after he did, Laura didn't know who he was.

"Sorry, do I know you?" Laura said looking away from Kathy.

"That's kind of rude, is it?" Laura frowned, truly puzzled by the man standing next to their table. "I'm Elliot Dimond. I'm Corie's boyfriend."

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