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To her own surprise, Colbie had a nice time with Mark. He was a perfect gentleman, caring and sweet. He never overstepped boundaries and despite how insisting he had been before, he understood when she said she wanted to take things slowly, but that she would like to see him again. That night, as she walked into her flat, Colbie fed her cat, turned her computer on and checked her emails. She couldn't help but wonder if she had done the right thing. She had simply accepted Mark's invitation because she saw Laura speaking and laughing with Kathy.

That turned out to be more disturbing to her than accepting the date itself. The reasons she accepted in the first place. Why was it so important to her? Watching Laura laughing with Kathy, kissing her cheek, why did that pushed her into accepting?

Colbie looked away from her computer and sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. She was forced to confront something she didn't want to deal with, jealousy. She was jealous of Kathy being so close to Laura. She was jealous that Kathy could've kissed Laura on the cheek when she had never dared. But that jealousy was the kind you feel towards a friend, wasn't it? She convinced herself it was before she decided she had to go to bed.

Next morning, when she arrived at work. She said hello to every crewmember, said good morning to Dunlop and headed for the pastry table to grab herself a cup of coffee and a sandwich since she didn't have time to eat at home.

She was taking another sip of coffee when Mark called her attention saying, "Surprise."

She smiled wanting to point out that it's not really a surprise when you two work together and you know you have to see each other, but she had her mouth full, so instead nodded. "Hey," she managed to murmur.

"I had a great time last night."

Colbie smiled, finished her sandwich and pushed it down with the rest of her coffee. "Yeah, so did I. Thanks."

"My pleasure. Well, I would apologise for the guy next to us doing the ridicule but..."

Colbie laughed. Next to their table, a man proposed to whom they assumed was his girlfriend. Turns out the girl wasn't even interested in him as more than a friend.

Colbie pushed him playfully and said, "Don't be mean, the guy was in love."

"Yes, but proposed to a girl he wasn't even dating out of 'romanticism'! Who on earth thinks that's a good idea?" he bantered.

She felt bad for the guy because, of course the woman said no and ran out of the restaurant. "Don't be mean. I mean it really was a silly idea, but don't be mean!"

"Honey, I'm not being mean. Didn't you see the face on that girl? She wanted earth to open up and swallow her!"

Colbie laughed harder and pushed Mark again, while trying to contain her own laughter. As she looked left she saw Laura staring a few metres away, a dim expression on her face. She smiled sadly and walked away. Colbie felt the need to go after her, explain everything to her but what was there to explain? That she had accepted Mark's invitation, and they had a good time and she was thinking about seeing him again?

"Hey, could you... give me a moment? Sorry."

Mark nodded and Colbie went after Laura, not really knowing what she'd say. When she caught up with her, she reached out and touched her arm. Something Colbie felt uncomfortable doing but that she still had done. Laura turned around and smiled. The sadness had disappeared.

"Hey," Laura said.

"Hey... uhm, how are you?"

"Fine. And you?"

"I... yeah, me too."

"I see you've become friends with Mark."

"I... actually... I went out with him."

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