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Laura was standing outside the closed stadium they were using to film the accident. The morning was just as sunny as the day it happened and she couldn't stop shaking. She tried to convince herself the morning was cold, but she knew better than that. She pulled her hands out of her pockets, cupped them around her mouth and breathed into them to warm herself up.

"Okay, you can do this. It's just a take. It will be alright." She told herself.

Laura sighed, collected all her strength and walked past the gate, where she said hello to the two guys guarding the entrance.

Once inside she glanced at Kathy, who was speaking to Dunlop about where he wanted her to be and what kind of frame he'd use to film the whole thing. They were standing by the edge of the track. Kathy was wearing the same uniform she'd been wearing when everything ended. A white shirt, with her number on her chest and white trousers to match.

She closed her eyes. She could see her publicist reminding her that it would be just one race. That was what he called it. One silly race. People were running from one place to the other carrying different objects. Others were shouting what they needed and asking where this guy or that girl was.

Almost like that day.

She could hear the people cheering for her, they were so excited, getting to the first place had been child's play, and she couldn't be feeling better about herself. But something had been bothering her, ever since she got on her bike, something had been nagging at the back of her mind, but she couldn't put her finger on what. She convinced herself it was a headache, or a stomach ache, or something of the sort. As she approached the ramp to take the jump, she felt it, and she knew.

"Laura?" she heard.

When she opened her eyes, Kathy was standing next to her, with her arm stretch as if to touch her, but she hadn't. "Hey," Laura replied.

"Today is the day, huh?"

"Yeah," Kathy turned to the track "How are you feeling? You think you can do it? I mean, you don't have to be here."

Laura shook her head. "No, I have to. I need to put this behind me."

"And you think you'll only be able to if you see it..." Laura could tell Kathy wasn't convinced. Truth be told, Laura wasn't convinced either, but she had to tried. This moment of her life had haunted her too long.

"Alright, alright, people!" Dunlop started yelling "This is it. If we're getting an Oscar, this will be the scene why. I want everything to be perfect; everyone, go to your places and let's get this rolling!"

Kathy said goodbye with a warm smile and headed for her place. Laura shoved her hands in her pockets and turned right to see Colbie holding a cup of coffee, staring at her. But as soon as Laura's eyes met Colbie's, the writer lowered her gaze to her coffee and took a sip. Laura wanted to apologise, but she was still hurt. And she hated Mark, they had a deal and the bastard ruined everything.

Laura grabbed a bottle of water from the table and walked up to the track. The extras were in position, the camera was set in place and Dunlop was standing next to the main one.

"Ready?" Dunlop asked both Kathy, and the others, who were on the starting line putting their helmets on. Dunlop turned to his crew, "Camera?" they nodded, he nodded back, then he turned to Kathy and yelled "Action!"

As Dunlop yelled action, Laura saw that moment flash through her eyes again, it was like she was reliving it all over again, whether she wanted or not.

Her hands held the handlebar tightly as she smiled. This would be easy, like a walk in the park, like playing with snow. This wouldn't be a problem for her. She had full confidence in her abilities, and also in the lack of experience of the people she was running against. Yes, she had no doubt in her mind that this would be a piece of cake. The bang noise was like a catalyst for the adrenaline running wild through her veins. She stepped on the pedal and pushed. And she felt it, her confidence fade, her heart jump with a certain uneasiness that she couldn't put her finger on. But that didn't stop her, she still got ahead of the race.

Laura couldn't see it coming, and if she did, she decided to ignore it. You can't just stop a race because you feel 'something wrong'. The first curve approached and the dirt exploded as Laura's rare wheel tilted to take the angle. She kept pedalling even harder believing that maybe, she could outrun that fear, that uneasiness nagging her. The next curve came, and then the next one, and she wasn't feeling any better, if anything, the feeling was becoming worst. And then it came. The first dirt ramp, she braced herself to jump, pushed her body forwards, and then backwards to jump... and it all made sense now.

She lost control of her bike, something was undone but she couldn't figure out what, she just felt it under her feet and under her hands. One screw, one tiny screw somewhere fell off its place causing her to lose control of her bike. And she freaked out. There was enough time to stop the bike from tilting to the side and trapping her thigh, but she freaked out. The world was moving too fast, too random. She saw the dirt approaching and she saw her leg being trapped between the pipes of the frame... and she closed her eyes.

When she opened them, she wasn't on the dirt, she was on the set of her film watching how they filmed the scenes that had been her most horrible memory yet, and that's saying something considering the parents she had.

They were shooting the ramp scene, where everything happened. Of course, Kathy was held in place my cables. But seeing her up there, as they relived the whole thing, Laura felt like crying, she couldn't get the memory out of her head, and she felt the pain again, the noise her thigh made when it broke, how she yelled and how even her mother started yelling, "My baby! My baby! Laura!"

It was too much. She should've never come here. She covered her mouth to stop herself from crying out loud and turned around to leave the stadium. She needed some fresh air.

As soon as she was out of the stadium, she took big mouthfuls of air and as her tears started to fall down her cheeks, she screamed, "Dammit, dammit!" Her vision became blurry and her knees started trembling. For a moment she believed she wouldn't be able to support her own weight. She was angry at herself for not being able to overcome this. She thought maybe seeing it would help, but it only reopened a partially closed wound, and now, it was bleeding again. She took a deep breath and rested her hands on her knees to contain herself.

"Laura?" she heard a whisper behind her as a hand was placed on her shoulder. She straightened up and turned around to see Colbie, noticeably worried. There was no anger in her voice, nothing that even resembled anger. "Are you okay?"

Laura sniff through her nose, cleaned up her tears with the back of her wrist and placed her hands on her hips trying to take deep breathes, "Yeah... yeah. I..."

She couldn't say anything, Colbie's eyes were filled with so much affection, so much understanding, that everything Laura could do to stop herself from crying again, was wrap her arms around Colbie, hoping Colbie would return the hug.

And she did. Colbie held her tight and whispered that everything would be okay to her ear, running her hand up and down Laura's back, soothing her. And as silly as it sounds, Laura believed her. Everything would be okay.

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