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"Thank you, darling. We'll be in contact." Dunlop said after one of the six girls had stepped off the stage.

Colbie cocked her head back in frustration. "They don't work, Dunlop."

"They are good actresses."

"If they're good actresses how come they can't make me believe they are Laura?"

"Wow, kid. You've got nasty."

Colbie sighed and straightened up. "Sorry, sorry. You're right. I'm just tired... I haven't got much sleep lately and I just want this to be over so we can actually start filming."

"If you don't like the last one, we're screwed. We're gonna have to go back to casting and I can't go back to casting... I can't tolerate the no-talent girls that think they can get it because they're attractive."

"Next, Sarah, please!" Colbie called out.

The next girl got on the stage, still holding the pages she was supposed to read. She was taller than Laura and a bit too old for the character but that wasn't a problem. Physically she was just as pretty, her hair was the same shade of black, and her eyes were just as dark. Their features weren't as close to each other but close enough to make it work.

If she can act, we can make it work, Colbie thought to herself.

"What's your name?" Dunlop inquired.

"Kathy. Kathy Grantham," she girl answer, notoriously nervous making Dunlop even more nervous. If she messed up, back to casting.

"Okay, Kathy. You're Laura Spafford, you're pissed off at your manager for forcing you to get into a race you're not interested in. Whenever you're ready, love," Dunlop said.

The girl, cleared her throat, let a sigh out and then read the script. "I don't wanna do this. It's stupid."

That was it, that was all Colbie needed to open her eyes and pay close attention. "Wait. Could you please mark the cockney accent a bit more?"

"Yeah, sure." The girl cleared her throat again and tried once more. "I don' wan' do this. It's stupi'."

Dunlop kept on with the line that followed, "It'll be easy, just newbies and this could bring great things."

"Yeh, great for ya. I'm no' interested, mate. Coun' me ou' of i'."

"It's just a race, Laura."

"Why 'ave you always go' to do this, mate? Sign me up for fings I never agreed to?"

Colbie interrupted the reading, stood up and walked up to the girl. "Could you stay in character?"

Kathy replied the way Laura would. Not with a yes, not with a yeah, but a, "Yeh."

"Hi, I'm Colbie."

"Hey. I'm Laura."

Colbie sighed and felt her legs become weak. 

"Colbie!" Dunlop called out.

She shook her head and said. "Sorry, I just got Goosebumps. We found our Laura."

"You did?" Kathy asked.

Dunlop nodded and agreed with Colbie. "The accent needs some work but since the real Laura is gonna be on set, that shouldn't be a problem."

"Oh, my God. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kathy screamed jumping up and down.

* * *

"How is she?" Laura asked, putting her feet up on her desk while playing with a fidget spinner.

"She looks like you. Not too much, but she has that same..." Colbie left the sentence hanging.

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