Let's Get The Ball Rolling

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Laura stood across from the building going through the list of things she thought she could say. 'Look, I'm sorry'. No, that wasn't good enough. It sounded like apologizing bothered her. 'I'm sorry Colbie, but it's my life.' No, that wouldn't work either. She licked her lips and looked up at the top of the five story building in front of her. She was supposed to meet with Colbie, Francis Dunlop and the girl who would be playing her in the film. Dunlop, the director as far as Laura knew, thought it would be a good idea for them to get to know each other so the actress could play the role better. Laura agreed happily as long as Colbie was there. She needed to talk to her. They hadn't spoken in four days and Colbie wouldn't return her calls.

The word her brother had said to her kept ringing in her mind. 'Wanker'.

"I really I'm a wanker, aren't I?"

Laura shoved her hands in her pocket and started walking towards the building. She was received by a receptionist who asked her her name and business.

"Laura Spafford, to see... Francis Dunlop, I think."

"Of course." The woman placed the headset against her ear, said Laura's name and whom she was here to see. The woman hung up and smiled at Laura. "Fourth floor. Last door to the left."

"Thank you, love."

Laura thought about getting in the lift but decided to use the stairs. It would give her time to gather her thoughts and come up with something that didn't sound stupid, rude or uncaring. She put her energy into coming up with something but the words seemed to be running away from her the harder she chased them, so as she arrived at the fourth floor, she gave up. Perhaps, the best thing she could do was let the words get a say on their own.

Laura stood in front of the door, took a deep breath and knocked.

A thirty something-year-old man opened. He was tall, very tall, 6'2'' maybe. White hair that didn't match his features and a three-day old beard carefully trimmed that Laura thought would work well with the ladies. "Laura? It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Francis Dunlop." The man reached out to shake Laura's hand. "Come on in. Colbie is with Kathy."

Laura felt her throat turn as dry as a desert as soon as Colbie's name was mentioned. The office consisted in large cubicles separated by glass walls. The Arctic Monkeys' music came out of speakers on the top corners of the office, close to the ceilings.

As Francis Dunlop walked in front of Laura, the athlete could hear Colbie's voice, not too far, at the end of the office. She could also see her due to the glass walls. She was sitting on a conference table with her back to them while speaking to Kathy.

"It's a confidential agreement," she placed the contract in front of Kathy "It's pretty much a no-spoilers promise with legal consequences. It also states that you can't say that you'll be playing Laura Spafford before this date," Colbie said pointing at something on the contract Kathy was signing.

Dunlop knocked on the open, crystal door and said, "Ladies, Laura's here."

Colbie turned around to look at Laura. She looked just as pretty as every single day she's seen her. She was wearing a white blouse, black skinny trousers, and Convers. But as the writer gazed at her, she knew she hadn't let that one thing go.

"Hey," Colbie said immediately turning back to Kathy. "These are your days off and this is the shooting schedule. And this is the salary we had talked about."

Francis Dunlop sat next to the girls and offered Laura a seat, which she refused. "Can I speak to ya?" Laura asked, referring to Colbie.

Colbie turned around and was about to respond, when Kathy repeated, "Can I speak to ya?" Making Laura frown. "Sorry, sorry, inappropriate, I know. I was just trying to sound like you."

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