The Closet Part 1

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Laura stared out her window, watching Colbie open the main door with the spare key she'd given her. She thought it felt silly that Colbie had to announce herself every single day at ten AM, so she gave her a copy of both the gate, and the front door. Not to forget the one she already had in case Lock decided he didn't know how to open the bathroom door again. She smiled watching the 5'5'' girl taking her helmet off to let her red hair fall. Colbie dropped something on the floor as she tried to carry all her things inside. When she picked it up, something else fell down. In the end, Colbie decided to place everything on the ground and then, one by one put every item where it should go. Her mobile on her pocket, her notepad and pen on her bag and her breakfast, a half-eaten granola bar, on her mouth. Laura laughed again, crossed her arms and took her right thumb to the corner of her lip to bite the tip.

Laura knew Colbie wasn't aware, but she was the definition of pretty. Light red hair, green eyes, thin lips and freckles that only showed up when you really looked at them. She wore little makeup and was always wearing the first thing she could find in her closet. Or at least, that's what Laura thought.

As Colbie walked into the house and said hi to Lock, Laura turned on her stereo, poured herself a slug of whiskey and wondered if it was too early to drink. "It's always past five somewhere," she told herself.

She was nervous. She knew Colbie was getting bored of meaningless anecdotes, stories about her training days and superficial details. If the film was to be any good, she needed to open up about something other than her parents.

"Hello," Colbie said opening the door to the study.

Laura grinned at the excitement in Colbie's eyes. "Hey, good morning."

"Okay, do you want to start right away?"

Laura took a sip and made a gesture for Colbie to take a sit. "Do we really have to talk about this? It never came out."

"Well, I know but that doesn't mean it's not important."

Laura sighed and took a seat at her desk, across from Colbie. She scratched her head and took another sip. "Alright, where do you want me to start?"

Colbie pulled out her notepad, her pen and started the voice recorder. "When did you find out you were gay?"

"Well, I always knew, I just didn't know it had a name or that it wasn't... socially acceptable."

Colbie wrote something on her notepad and asked, "Can you remember the first ever girl you fancied?"

Laura twisted her lips to the side thinking. How could she forget? "I do. I was... six I think. I went to school with her. Her name was Kelly Anne Polo. She was this sweet black haired girl with red cheeks. She never knew I existed."

"You never talked to her?"

"No. I've always been shy with girls."

Colbie grinned. "I can't imagine you being shy."

"I was. I think I still am but only with girls I really like. I get this weird thing."

"Weird... thing?"

"Yeah. I start laughing a lot, I touch my head a lot, I try to make jokes that are awful, look away, then at the floor, then away, I don't know what to say and then I end up saying something so stupid I tell myself I would've been better off keeping my mouth shut."

Colbie laughed and added, "I'd pay to see that."

"Oh, no, no, no. It's embarrassing."

"What happened to her, you know, the girl?"

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