Back to square one

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Hey there guys. Sooo sorry that it took me so long to update. I've been going through a divorce so things are a bit complicated right now. Anyway, I'm back to my one chapter a week schedule so don't worry, you won't have to keep waiting months for the updates. Hope you enjoy!

The same day Colbie left, Laura's personal life fell apart in ways she wasn't prepared for. At midday, Coralen's manager had a talk with her. They had dodged a bullet, but if they wanted people to forget about the incident before the movie came out and to scratch it completely from Coralen's history so that her career would keep moving forward, she had to make a choice. Laura or her career.

Coralen chose her career.

At least, the actress had the decency to tell her to her face instead of sending her manager, Laura thought. So in one day, she'd manage to lose the only true friend she'd ever had, and the girlfriend she'd chosen over that friend. After taking that punch to the stomach, Laura lost all enthusiasm regarding the movie and everything it brought with it. She stopped caring about the fame, the money, and even her legacy. She decided she didn't want to be a part of it anymore, and that she was done with interviews, dinners, and parties. She'd go home.

She hopped on the first plane she could find back to England.

Lock asked, but she never told him what had happened. It wasn't that she didn't understand or that she was in shock. It was that, at some level, she felt ashamed of the decisions she'd made. Every single one. She'd chosen Coralen over Colbie out of a false sense of connection and superficial attraction. And then she'd made everything worse by accusing Colbie of leaking the tape... and she got what she deserved. And that's what hurt her the most, she knew she had no one to blame but herself. At least, she thought, she was big enough to accept the responsibility for her shitty choices.

* * *

Four months went by. In the beginning, they were hard, slow and painful, like sluggish days struggling to move forward. But as she got used to her new life, it became easier, and she even began to feel that the pain she'd gone through had been worth it because now, everything was a lot better than it had ever been.

She'd finally managed to buy a proper flat with the money she got from the movie. She'd taken a cooking course and had taught herself to paint to pass the time while she healed her broken heart. She'd met new people, made new friends and was even thinking about saying yes to that cute barista who kept asking her out. She began going to the gym and eating better and as a result, her self-esteem was going up.

She had a dull sense of fame when it came to most people, but when it came to writers, producers, directors, publicists, novelists or any of the sort, she'd gotten the respect she'd gotten fought for. Because of that, it was easy for her to land a deal for her first novel, even before she'd begun writing it. The perks of writing a movie everyone said would be, at least, nominated to the Oscars for best screenplay. She didn't really care about the movie though, not anymore.

Colbie's life was, finally, in a place she could be proud of. She moved into a two bedroom flat in a better part of town. She wanted to use the second room as a study so she could write in a different place than her own bedroom. It helped her not feel all cooped up in that apartment. Although, every now and then, she'd go write in a coffee shop or a Library.

But her study didn't have a proper desk or any proper furniture whatsoever, so that day, she asked Anthony to go with her and help her choose a desk. Anthony was a software developer who worked from home, too, so he'd have some knowledge on which desk and what type of chair was best.

"What do you think about this one?" Colbie asked pointing at a small walnut coloured desk.

Anthony shook his head. "I mean, for a kid it's okay. But you're a writer, You have a big ass computer and sometimes, you write in a typewriter cause 'you need to feel more in touch with your writing' or whatever, and you need a desk that's big enough for that. And your notes and your stuff. Nah, how about this one?" Anthony asked pointing at a desk three times the size of the one Colbie had seen, with six drawers, one file cabinet, made in pine, and with a 3-year warranty.

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