The Ex

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"You're married?" Colbie shouted, louder than she intended.

"Was married. That's what 'ex' stands for."

"Why didn't I know this?"

"Because it was a couple of years ago, no one gave a crap about me anymore, the tabloids had left me be and people were too busy chasing someone else's drink-driving. It's not important enough to be in the film."

"No, I mean... why didn't I know this?"

Laura sighed at that question; she sat next to Colbie, rested her elbows on her thighs and answered, "Because it was stupid. It lasted four months, she married me because I had money and I married her because sex was great."

"I didn't need to know that."

"Hey, you asked. Anyway, it was a bad idea. Four months after the wedding we couldn't stand each other's company so I filed for divorce."

"Weren't you afraid that she'd take half your money?"

"No, luckily for me, Mark, my manager, saw the tornado I was gettin' myself into and forced me to sign a premarital agreement. I refused at that moment because I bought into that crap of 'If I sign the agreement, I'm bettin' against my own marriage.' Good thing I did. She got two hundred thousand, all the clothes she'd bought with my money while we were married, and that was it."

"Why is she calling you now?"

"She calls, every now and then. But whenever she does, she always wants money."

"And you give it to her..." Colbie said; she wasn't asking, she was commenting.

"What makes you say that?"

"Because she keeps calling. Every now and then, like you said."

"She's still my ex-wife. I don't want to leave her living on the streets. I ain't got the heart for that."

Colbie grinned and said, "You're a good person, too good."

Laura bit her lower lip and replied, "No, I'm not. Colbie? This can't go in the movie."

Colbie raised her hands. "I'm not on the clock. Plus, the script is ready so changing things now would be crazy. Don't worry about that. I won't tell anyone."


"So what are you gonna do? You'll ring her?"

"No, need, if it's money what she wants, which it always is, she'll call back."

Like Laura predicted, Mrs Spafford called two days later, but this time, Laura picked up.

"Yeah?" She said when she placed the headset against her ear.

"Hey, Laura."

Laura's back straightened without so much as asking for permission. Her lips felt suddenly dry and her throat stale. She cleared her voice before saying, "Ay up, Karen."

"How are you? How are things?"


"How's Lock?"

"Great. How may I help you?"

"Do you have to be so formal?"

"No, I don't have to."

"I just wanted to talk to you."

Laura licked her lips thinking about how to reply to that. She decided to go with, "Since when do we talk?"

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