Just a drink

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Colbie held Laura's hand all the way to... wherever it was she was taking Laura to. She had to get her away from the stadium. What Laura did was stupid, you don't overcome such a painful memory by just crashing against it. It's like shock therapy, the kind that doesn't work. They were quiet as they walked. She had asked Laura to come with her, as if she had any idea where they were going, but she didn't. She just had to get Laura to a place where she could regain her breathe and they could sit down and talk calmly.

As they kept walking, Colbie finally saw one place where they could do exactly that, but she didn't know if it would be the best for Laura.

"You wanna go in here?" Colbie asked.

Laura smiled, "I thought you knew exactly where we were going."

"Of course I didn't, I just... I had to get you far away from there, Laura. Doing this to yourself doesn't help."

"Wish someone would've told me that sooner," she joked.

Seeing as Laura was joking again, it could mean one out of two things. That she was feeling all right now, or that she was feeling good enough to joke at least, even if it was a bad one. Anyway, it was still progress.

"I don't know if giving you a beer is such a good idea though," Colbie commented, "With your alcoholism and everything."

"Don't worry, it might be the best idea ever. Beer is the one thing I can control. But something stronger will get me off the rails."

"So it's fine if we get just a drink?"


They walked inside. The place was called The Last Frogbender and it was a Pub and Restaurant, so they could also grab a bite. God knows Colbie needed a bite. She hadn't being eating well lately. She was a bad energy drink away from an eating disorder. Some days she would eat everything in her way and nothing would stop her. Some other, she would eat one cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll and that would be it for the day. She really needed to care for her health if she didn't want to get sick.

As they made their way to the table at the back of the pub, Colbie kept Laura's hand wrapped in a firm grasp. She didn't do it on purpose, or even consciously. She just didn't want Laura to go away, this was the longest they had been with each other since the shooting began. But as they took a seat, she was forced to let go of the other girl's hand.

The waitress came, handed them the menus and recommended the Fried Calamari with Marinara Sauce or the Last Frogburger. She also assured Colbie that there wasn't an ounce of frog meat in that burger.

When they had ordered the specials plus two lagers, Laura turned to Colbie and said, "You're afraid of frog meat or something?"

Colbie's nose wrinkled. "Disgusting," she replied.

"No, it isn't. It tastes good. I swear. Once in the States I had this frog legs taco. It was a dare because this friend of mine kept telling me I should try it and that it would be awesome and I had the same face you do right now. But as I tried it, damn that was good!"

"Really? You never told me that story."

"Yeah... I guess there are still things you don't know about me."

Laura gave her the sweetest smile and for a moment, just a second, Colbie got a feeling that she would spend every energy trying to hide. She wanted to kiss her, grab her face and press her lips against Laura's hard as Laura's hands placed on her hips. But that feelings went away fast, as Laura's smiled disappeared and a grimace replaced it.

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