The Laptop

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"You're late," Laura said, waiting for Colbie by the front door as the writer walked into the property with her bike.

"I know. Sorry. My cat turned off my alarm," Colbie joked, leaving her bike next to the door way.

"Right. Anyway, today we're doing something different. We're goin' out"

"Out? Where?"

"I've got errands," Laura replied.

"Haven't you got like, someone who does those things for you?"

"Are you insane?... Of course I do. But it gets quite boring every now and then so sometimes I like to take care of certain things myself."

"O-okay." Colbie's face twisted into a grimace. How was that good for the story?

"Don't put that face, isn't this good for, you know, capturing my essence and all that crap you writer always talk about?"

Colbie smiled. "Yeah, you're probably right. Plus, I should get around your schedule so if you've got things to do, we can work with that."

Since Laura had a motorcycle and they needed something bigger, they decided to grab Lock's truck. A grey 2010 BMW beauty Lock kept behind the cottage. As they got in and Laura turned on the engine, Colbie asked, "Where to?"

"Wait," Laura pulled out a piece of paper from her jumper's pocket and said, "I got a list."

To Colbie, it was endearing how Laura found comfort in things that were normal and even annoying to other people. As they drove down the road, they went through the list together so Laura could make sure she wasn't forgetting anything. The list was long but easy to kick off. Buy this, buy that; pick up this, pick up that, pay this bill and that one.

The easiest way to get through the whole list in one stop was to go to a Mall, which was Laura's idea, Colbie said she was just there to observe so she would just follow her around as she checked every item off her list. After all, her job consisted on 'capturing Laura's essence', like she'd put it, so when the actor who'd play her is chosen, she can make an honest portrait.

Laura, with a pride Colbie found sweet, pulled out her list again and checked the first thing to do. Buy a new kitchen knife.

"What do you need a kitchen knife for? I saw one yesterday morning."

"Yeah. That doesn't exist anymore."

Colbie frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I may or may not 'ave broken the tip of the blade by trying to use it to unlock the toilet door when my brother locked himself in while he was drunk."

"Wait, what? How did Lock get himself... well, locked? Pun not intended"

"He was drunk, he himself doesn't know the answer to that question."

"And why did you use the knife? Don't you have a key?"


Colbie frowned. "You were drunk too, weren't you?"

"Maybe. And by maybe I mean totally."

"Well, maybe the knife still works, if it was just the tip."

"By 'the tip' I meant, it split in half."

"You two drink too much, you know that?"

Laura shrugged. "As a Spafford is the second thing you inherit. First the surname, then the drinking problem."

"You don't have a drinking problem."

Laura laughed, "Oh, honey. You need to pay more attention."

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