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Colbie grabbed her Chai Tea, paid with a tenner and didn't bother to wait for the change. She was having a stressful Telegraph conversation with her agent. Apparently, her publicist didn't like any of the art work they had for the new book. The agent was asking her to have patience, she was replying that this would be the third time something had happened, and that the book kept getting pushed. She was walking out of the shop, too focused on her conversation to notice the woman in front of her.

They bumped into each other causing Colbie to spill her Chai Tea on the woman's shirt.

"Oh, my God!" she yelled. "I'm so, so sorr-"

"Colbie?" the woman said.

Colbie looked up from the t-shirt she'd ruined and focused on the woman's face. She didn't recognize her at first. She looked absolutely stunning. Athletic, strong, nice posture. She had a wide, honest smile and clean eyes. Colbie now understood the phrase her friend Samantha said a lot. 'I felt like dropping my knickers when I met him'. But there was something familiar about this woman. Warm, even.

"L-Laura? Laura Spafford?"

"Hey!" Laura said giving her a hug. "How are you doing?"

"I'm... I'm good, yeah. You look... amazing."


Colbie seemed to step back on earth and she yelled, "Oh, I'm so sorry about your shirt. My agent is just being an arsehole. I got this book coming out, and it's soooo stressful and, I don't know what to do, and I mean it's not like it's your problem or anyone's but the thing is that I'm so tired of this. I just wanna get my book on the shelves and I..." Colbie stopped as she saw Laura's smile widen. "I'm rambling."

"A bit, yeah. But it's good to know you have another book coming. I loved the first one."

"You read it?"

"Of course. I've read everything you've published."

Colbie felt a sensation she hadn't felt in a long time. Something wiggling inside her. "You have?" Laura nodded. As if the question was so obvious. "I read you opened up a BMX school for girls."

"I did. It's been doing quite well. More than that, I'm happy."

"You are?"

"Yeah. Lock's getting married in a month, and also I've been sober for almost two years now so, life's looking pretty good."

"Lock's getting married? That's great news!"

"Yeah. I'm really proud of him. Anyway, I should get going."

"Oh, sure. I need to talk to my agent, too."

"It was great seeing you, Colbie."

"Yeah, you too. Take care."

Colbie walked past Laura, a sharp sting of disappointment in her chest. But she took a deep breathe and kept walking.

"Colbie, wait!" Colbie turned around to face Laura, who seemed a little nervous now. "Uhm, would you... would you happen to... I mean." Laura sighed, calmed herself down and asked, "Would it be okay if I asked you out sometime, maybe?"

Colbie smiled. "Yeah, I would like that."

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