2- playing hard to get?

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Jaz's POV

"This has been such a good night hasn't it Jaz?" Cat squeals excitedly as the venue starts to fill out.

SWS were so good and I'm pretty gutted its finished but the night is still young and I'm sure I can get some more fun out of it. Cat starts to head towards the exit not knowing that we have been invited to the after party. I decided to refrain from telling her as I knew I wouldn't get peace to enjoy the band I actually came for.

"Wait up" I say grabbing her arm.

"What?" She replies looking at me confused.

"I may have a slight surprise for you" I smirk.


I had already regretted my decision in agreeing to come as Cat is being utterly embarrassing. She's fawning over every little thing in the car that were driving in to get to the venue.

"Your friend" Mitchel smiles "She likes to talk"

We were all fit in to a big car that I assume is an uber and Cat is probably annoying the hell out of Christian as she asks him every little question in her head. He seems unfazed however and smiles back and responds to them all.

"Yeah she does" I mumble.

"At least she looks excited to be here though" He retorts flashing me that infamous smile.

"Oh wow is that another dig at me?" I reply.

"All I'm saying is a lot of girls would kill to be in your position" He shrugs.

"Wow you really think you're the shit huh?" I laugh looking out the window.

"Maybe just a little, but I know you love it" He says.

I can't help but laugh at his cockiness. He thinks he's got me so worked out but I refuse to succumb to his little act. He only wants a quick fuck for the night.

We soon arrive at the venue and we all get in fairly quickly, skipping the queue, much to the annoyance of all the people waiting. We head to the upstairs part where only certain people have access so it's much more spacious and luxurious. We sit in a giant circular booth and to no surprise, Mitchel makes sure he's next to me even if that meant pushing Clinton out the way. He lets out a small objection but let's him do so anyway, he doesn't put up much of a fight and I've picked up that he's much quieter than the rest.

Cat is opposite me and ignoring my presence entirely as she talks away to the drummer asking the same questions she asked Christian, you'd think she was a reporter with the way she's acting.

We order some drinks and I sit back and relax as I enjoy the music playing, I decide to scroll through my phone posting some pictures from the concert and checking my Twitter. The drinks soon arrive and I quickly finish it along with the rest of the boys. We go through drinks quickly and start to do some shots and I enjoy the burning liquid making its way down my throat. I'm quite a bit of a party girl at times and so getting free drink is not something I'd pass up.

"How about we do body shots next?" Mitchel whispers in my ear.

I try not to blush and let him see his effect on me. The alcohol is rubbing off making me more loose and I giggle at his request. We're the only people left at the booth as the rest have made their way to the dance floor.

"Perhaps not" I smirk back downing another shot.

"Is this your thing then?" He asks.

I look at him puzzled, encouraging him to elaborate.

"Playing hard to get?" He adds.

"No, I'm just not easy" I reply "Sorry to disappoint"

He puts an arm around me, resting it on the back of the seat. He moves in ever so closer and I can smell his musky aftershave.

"You think that's all I want? I'm hurt" He laughs.

"Come on, do you think I'm as dumb as all the other groupies you guys hang with?" I ask.

"No actually, you're very different" He states "Which is why I like you"

I let his words sink in as well as his eyes which are trained on mine, working their way down to my lips. I feel him lean in and before he could do the inevitable, I slide across the seat as he looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"I uh gotta go to the bathroom" I state before quickly slipping away not paying attention to his reply.

Once I manage to find the girls room I bend over the sink and look in the mirror. As much as I find Mitchel attractive, I refuse to let myself just be another name in his bed. My track record with guys wasn't the best and I was in no place to let myself get hurt again for some stupid one night stand.

My makeup had come off a little so I quickly reapplied some lipstick and fixed my smudged eyeliner. I wish I knew where Cat was and although I was annoyed at her ditching me, I can't be mad because I know how exciting this must be for her. I'd be the same if it was any other band I had been obsessed with for years.

The toilets start getting busier so I make my way out and back into the club area. I glance up and see Mitchel still sitting at the booth himself looking around, presumably for me. I debate going back up but I notice Cat and Clinton dancing together and I make my way over there instead. Christian is also lingering, however a bit awkwardly as Cat is dancing pretty promiscuously against Clinton. He notices me and waves me to join him.

"Thank god I'm not the awkward third wheel anymore" He laughs.

"You could've came back to the booth" I reply smiling.

"And where the fun in that? I wanna party!" He exclaims throwing his hands up and almost spilling someone's drink.

The person complains and Christian pulls a funny face moving closer towards me to avoid it happening again. He was pretty drunk at this point and it was fun to watch. Despite all my drinks, I feel remarkably sober.

"Where's Mitchel?" He asks looking around.

"Uh I'm not sure" I mumble hoping he doesn't see through my lie.

"You know I think he has a real thing for you" Christian states.

"He's known me 6 hours" I laugh dryly.

A few girls bumped into me causing me to bump into Christian and he rests his hand on the small of my back to steady me.

"Easy there, besides for what it's worth, I've not seen Mitchel pursue a girl so much in a long time" He explains.

I then spot Mitchel appear next to us looking at the position of Christian's hands and then up at me as I realise what it must look like. His jaw locks to the side and I see him walk away and make his way to the bar. Christian mutters a faint curse as he pulls away from me.

"Well, for what it's worth, I don't think he's gonna pursue me anymore" I reply using his words.

AU: sorry the chapters are short just now, they'll get bigger as the story moves along! Please vote and comment!

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