(II) 22- Hawaii

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Mitchel's POV

If you had told me two months ago that my life would be going great, I'd been making more music than ever and my health was thriving, I would have laughed in your face.

I was in such a dark place and I truly hadn't seen a light at the end to get me through yet here I was lying in Hawaii of all places soaking up the sun with my beautiful girl by my side.

The past few months I had been working on bettering myself and it was finally paying off. I was feeling great and looking it too; my eyes no longer held the darkness underneath them, my skin had cleared and I just felt physically more healthy.

Jaz has encouraged me to try some group therapy and attend some AA meetings which at first I protested to stubbornly but I knew deep down she was only trying to help and they actually began to help once I'd been to a few. The first one was horrible and humiliating, having to say my name aloud in a room full of strangers and spill out my problems. It got easier though and I met some very cool people there, some which I keep in contact with still even though I officially finished the course last week.

Now we were here in Hawaii as a sort of celebration and a much needed break for all of us. Jaz would be starting uni again next month so I wanted to give her something to enjoy before that and god knows she deserved it for everything she helped me through this year alone.

I was excited to start playing shows again soon, we had taken a break from any shows or touring until we all felt mentally ready. It worked out well for us as we had still continued to make music so we had a whole bunch of songs just ready to be released.

"Can you do my back?"

I look over at Jaz who had awoken from her lazy slumber in the sun and was holding a bottle of lotion in her hand.

"Of course" I reply.

I sit to the side and squeeze some onto her back rubbing it all over to make sure she wouldn't burn. Clinton has already managed to burn himself and had spent a good two days complaining about it and sitting glumly in his room, so much so that Cat had come to join us just to get away from his whining. I don't blame her.

"I think you've got me covered" She laughs lightly.

"Sorry can't help but get carried away" I smirk leaning down whispering into her ear.

"Not the time" She laughs smiling.

"I'll remember that later when you want some then" I reply raising my eyebrows.

"Shut up and let me sunbathe" She smiles.

"Anything for you your highness" I mock.

She throws a small towel in my direction and I artfully dodge it while walking around the lounge chair and make my way over to Christian who was sitting by the side of the pool, his legs in the water while strumming a guitar. He would play around with the chords and then scribble words down on his notebook.

"You know the point of this vacation was to get away from work" I say sitting down next to him.

"It's not work if you enjoy it" He replies.

"Touché" I nod.

He continues to strum on the strings and hum a few notes to himself. Christian was always more careful when it came to songwriting, he was a perfectionist. He would write and rewrite until his fingers were numb making sure it was just right. Me, on the other hand; I was a bit more haphazard and I just wrote whatever case into my head, I didn't care for editing much.

Jesse and Pat were sitting by the bar presumably getting wasted of countless pina coladas and other frozen cocktails that they claim were manly drinks but that was pretty hard to say when their glasses came with little colourful umbrellas and straws.

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