(II) 20- all yours

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Jaz's POV

I play with the links of Mitchel's chain like I'd done so many times before in the past. I was content; just laying here while he softly snores next to me still asleep. I was cuddled comfortably into his chest with his arm loosely wrapped around me. There was something so safe about this position, where nothing bad could come to us.

This was the closest I had felt to him in a long time, last night we poured our emotions out in the most physical way we could and while I did it to help him, his sad eyes begging me to, I needed it just as much as him, I'd felt so helpless watching him these few weeks, I'd do anything to take his pain away, I'd missed the intimacy.

Neither of us had put clothes back on before we fell asleep so I was just enjoying the sensation of his skin against mine while the covers kept us modest if anyone were to come in. I trace circles on his torso watching his peaceful face start to twitch as he wakes up.

His eyes open softly but immediately find mine, a lazy smile creeping up on his face as he sees me looking up at him.

"You been awake long?" He asks.

I shake my head no and he just takes his hand combing it through my hair pushing it out of my face. His soft touch caused goosebumps to rise on my skin which he picked up on smirking lightly.

He shifts our bodies on our side and then gently pushes me onto my back while he lay above me, kisses making their way along my jaw and down my neck. My eyes flutter closed loving the feeling of it all and I would happily let him continue all day.

"Stop" I whine softly and unconvincing.

"Why? It's not like you don't enjoy it" He smirks.

"And I know exactly where it will end up if you keep going" I reply.

"Not seeing the problem here" He lightly laughs.

"We shouldn't" I sigh playing with his hair in between his fingers.

"I don't care" He replies.

"We need to talk" I say.

As much as I would love to just let him do what he pleased to me again, we had things to sort first. Things that had been plaguing me for days that I just had to get confirmed.

"I don't want to talk" He says, lips ghosting over my ear "I wanna fuck"

"And we can" I explain "after we talk"

It was always hard to convince Mitchel to do things in the morning as he was always particularly aroused first thing after waking but I'd enjoy it much more knowing things were sorted.

He lets out a groan and pulls himself up so he was sitting against the frame and I sit up too to face him. He looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to talk.

"So" I begin "Us"

He says nothing but looks at me in a way as if to go on.

"Are we..." I trail trying to find words "Are we together again?"

I had wanted to bring this up sooner but I was respectfully letting Mitchel be for the past few weeks just until he had recovered a bit better after what happened.

"Do you want us to be?" He asks flipping it back on me.

"Yes" I say simply.

I knew I didn't need to ask him if that's what he wanted too because I know he did but I still wanted to hear him confirm these thoughts rather than me just assuming we're back together.

"Well then congratulations you officially have a boyfriend again" He laughs softly.

It was strange and while this past month we had basically been acting like boyfriend and girlfriend, it was weird to now own these titles again. Sometimes I wonder how I even coped when we were broken up and how I lived without him. He was my everything and I would take a bullet for him.

"What else is there?" He asks knowing this wasn't the extent of the conversation.

I take a bit more of a pause here unsure how to begin this one as it was slightly more sensitive.

"Christian?" He asks reading my head.

"Yeah" I breathe.

Christian was being a good friend and was a great support system for Mitchel this past month and it made me so happy to see them on good terms again. There was still unfinished business however, and I could tell from the way he avoided my touch that things with us still weren't good.

"You need to speak to him" Mitchel explains.

I nod my head, how words confirming my own thoughts. I had wanted to speak to him for a few days but I just didn't know what was best. I could still see the sadness in him and I wanted it to stop, he deserved to be happy. Like how I was with Mitchel.

"I don't know what to say to him" I sigh confessing my issue.

"I know it's hard" He says sympathetically "Just tell him your honest feelings"

Him and Christian had a long talk about everything and has ultimately pushed past their issues which I was glad about but Christian still held a restraint around me and he hadn't initiated a talk with me so I knew I was going to have to be the one to induce it.

"I just want it all to be normal again" I sigh.

"It will be soon" He reassures.

His hand intertwined with mine and sent some more comforting words in my direction.

"So you're all mine again" He says.

I was glad he was changing the subject because I was getting nervous again just thinking about having to have a serious talk with Christian again considering how the last one went.

"All yours" I confirm.

"Well then that deserves a celebration don't you think?" He smiles suggestively.

His hand unraveled from mine and pulled our bodies closer again and the serious tone from before had completely dissipated. His hot breath against my neck was already making me weak and when his lips kissed and sucked on the skin there, it made it hard for me to reserve any self control at all.

"That's gonna leave a mark" He smirks pulling back admiring his work.

"Wouldn't be the first time" I reply.

I recall back to once last year when Mitchel had so feverishly attacked my neck once I had to spend a good few days covering it with a scarf which in LA weather made it blatantly obvious what I was trying to hide.

He flips us back over to where we were before I interrupted us to have a conversation and my breath hitches as he teases me from above looking down at me with nothing but lust.

"Now where were we?"


It's short but it's something I guess

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