4-Please Mitchel

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Jaz's POV

I woke up and for once I didn't want to immediately crawl back under the covers and go back to sleep. I didn't have uni today and the sun was shining bright from my window.

I was messaging Mitchel last night and we arranged to go for lunch today which yes, I was excited for but I still wasn't going to let myself become too keen like I've previously done in the past to only end up hurt. Chances are with Mitchel's lifestyle, a girlfriend just isn't an option so I'm all for a few dates if anything.

I debated telling Cat about my little 'date' with Mitchel but I'm worried if I did that she would try and spy on me or something. Her and Clinton seemed to hit it off the other night but he's not messaged her and I can tell she's really disappointed but she's not letting it show and just keeps saying he's a busy guy and he'll text eventually. I really hope he does because I could see them together despite the height difference. On the other hand, maybe like Mitchel, they just aren't the type to keep a relationship with what they do.

I put on a nice outfit but nothing too showy and I do my normal make up before making my way over to the Italian restaurant we agreed on meeting at.

Living in LA, you'd think I'd be used to the nice weather but today I can't help but really appreciate it. It's 1pm and midweek so it's somewhat busy but nothing compared to the weekend. I head to the grove and notice a few people vlogging, it's a pretty popular location. I avoid getting in their way and stroll up to the restaurant; Leonardo's, looking for any signs of Mitchel. I don't think he's here yet so I whip out my phone and scroll through my various apps to pass the time. Cat messaged me to see if I wanted to go shopping so I quickly make up an excuse that I have to go into work at the studio and she seems to buy it.

I then almost drop my phone as two hands grip my sides scaring me as I wasn't expecting it. I let out a quiet profanity as I turn to see a laughing Mitchel who looks all too pleased with himself.

"Necessary?" I ask giving him a light nudge smiling.

"I had to try and put a smile on that face somehow" He replies shrugging.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, mocking offence.

"You always look so angry babe" He laughs.

"First of all, wow" I say "Second, that's just my face asshole"

"I'm kidding, come on I'm hungry" He replies ushering me inside.

It's a nice place, I've been a few times. It's not too fancy but not too cheap, it's just a good casual place to eat and it has nice views of the grove which is a positive. We almost sit outside on the upper level but decide to eat inside where there's air conditioning. We get a nice booth which I'm happy with because it means we're still at the window but we don't need to melt in the heat.

I look at the menu and I already know what I want, I'm a girl of simple taste so I get the same variation of about five meals wherever I go. I see Mitchel studying his menu a bit more carefully and he plays around with his hair as he tries to decide on his food.

A waiter comes eventually and we both order our food and drinks and a small silence falls, both of us unsure what to say. I've only known Mitchel at nighttime so it's weird to see him during the day where I can see him fully. He has a young face but the glasses he's wearing make him look older, I don't think he even needs them but they make him look just that bit cooler unlike me who actually needs them from time to time and I look nowhere near as good.

"So how are you?" He asks almost nervous.

"I'm good yeah, you?" I reply.

"Yah I'm good were just finishing up some songs for the album" He smiles.

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