8- you wish

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Jaz's POV

Mitchel's lips were on mine moving in sync as his hand gripped my waist pulling me closer and leaving no space between us.

My head was struggling to keep up with my actions as I tried my best to follow his lead and not freak out.

His braids were brushing against my own face as he continued to deepen the kiss. I could feel my heart beating wildly in my chest and I'm sure he could feel it too, I wonder if his was doing the same.

Eventually, after what feels like forever, he pulls away and just looks at me. I don't know what to say to him or what to even think.

"Least we weren't interrupted this time" He says smiling lightly.

"I wouldn't speak too soon" I reply remembering Christian had a habit of turning up out of nowhere.

Mitchel nodded in agreement as his hand trailed down to lock with mine, playing with my fingers as he still leaned close into me. I would be lying if I said it didn't give me butterflies in my chest and make my heart beat just that bit faster.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asks.

"Uh well I should probably go home, I have a bunch of stuff to do" I reply.

"Like me?" He asks playfully.

"You wish" I retort as I laugh too.

"For real though, you're gonna leave me?" He pouts.

"I'm sure you can amuse yourself without me" I say.

"It's not as fun" He sighs.

I look down at his hand which was still lingering over mine, his fingers so much bigger than mine but still somehow they looked delicate and pretty.

"Cmon Jaz" He pleads "Just stay and hang out"

He was really tempting me but I definitely had to go home and tidy and do some course work, I was not about to fall behind in those things just for a guy, no matter how cute he may be.

"Sorry no can do, but I can come back tomorrow?" I suggest.

"What?" He scoffs "That's ages away"

"Don't be such a drama queen" I reply.

"Fine but we have a show tomorrow so you'll have to spend the night again" He explains.

"How so?" I ask amused.

"The show doesn't finish til late and if we have to rehearse during the day, I need to find some time to see you properly" He says.

"Fine okay, deal" I reply.

It amazed me how easily he could convince me to do something, like I was in a trance, stuck under his spell. I didn't understand why he wanted to spend so much time with me, I wasn't special or exciting or even as good looking as the models I've seen him pictured with. I wasn't going to question it too much in fear he would change his mind, I was enjoying spending time with him too.

"I look forward to hearing your snoring again" He smirks.

I scoff and simply hit him on the shoulder as I make my way upstairs to go get ready. He runs behind me laughing away pleading forgiveness as I shake my head at his playfulness.


I put away yet another dish into my cupboard. The more I put away, the more I questioned why I turned down Mitchel to do housework. I had forgot quite how much stuff I had left myself to do and I was already regretting it.

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