(II) 1- Australia

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Jaz's POV

3 months. 3 whole months since I had seen or talked to Mitchel. I'll admit, the beginning was torture. All I did for the first two weeks was hibernate in my apartment ordering take out and sitting in the same spot of my couch watching stupid rom coms. I might have still been doing that if Cat hadn't started an intervention and dragged me outside.

As the days passed, I found myself feeling less and less sad; I went out shopping, got food with Cat and inevitably we went out to clubs and bars and I was soon enough back to my old self, the me before Mitchel.

I still missed him, saying I didn't would be a complete lie but I had finally reached a point where I was feeling good and happy. I could be happy without him and although at the beginning I contemplated time and time again about giving in and calling him, I never did and I'm glad. I don't need him anymore.

I had just finished my last day at university for this year and I wasn't back again til fall so I had all summer to just enjoy the city and going adventures with Cat. One of those being going on a trip to Australia.

While I was worried, going back there would bring up feelings for Mitchel, Cat promised she would keep me distracted and she really wanted to go see Clinton for the last few days of their tour before they wrapped up and she didn't want to go out alone.

So I agreed and at the end of the week we would be heading off for down under and I was having very mixed emotions. I vowed to take it as an opportunity for my photography work and get some good shots for my portfolio from being around the city.

Cat and I were going to stay in a hotel and so I was very thankful she wasn't making me stay at Clinton and Mitchel's house although she would undoubtedly stay over a night or two but I didn't mind, I understood. She hadn't seen Clinton in over a month and a half and so I bet she couldn't wait to spend time with him.

It would be hard knowing Mitchel was going to be there but if no one told him then it shouldn't cause a problem. I was merely going to escape for a little while and have a nice vacation after working so hard in university the past few months. I needed this break.

I was happy for Clinton and Cat, they were doing so well with the long distance, it makes me sad that things couldn't have been the same for Mitchel and I. Nevertheless, I was happy to see Cat so happy and I think the others were glad Clinton was tied down to one girl now as before he tended to be a bit of a player.

"What about this one?" Cat asks.

Her words bring me out of my daydream and I look over at her as she holds up a two piece gold bikini. We were currently out shopping looking for clothes to take to Australia.

"You know it's probably not gonna be that warm right?" I say.

"I'll find a way to sunbathe one way or another" She replies sticking her tongue out.

The same could not be said for LA however as it was almost the end of April and the sun was scorching down, I was currently fanning myself with a leaflet someone in the grove handed to me.

"I'm so excited, we're gonna have so much fun" She squeals excitedly.

"Yeah" I respond with a polite smile.

She lets out a soft sigh and walks over to me. She takes both my hands and gives them a small squeeze in an attempt to cheer me up.

"I know you aren't as excited as me but I promise it'll be great" She smiles.

I give her a nod and she gives a curt , sympathetic smile in return. I was grateful for all her help these past few weeks but I was getting tired of her feeling sorry for me. I was doing okay and I promised her that, sure I was sometimes a bit down when the subject of Mitchel arose but for the most part I really was doing okay now.

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