29- tour

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Jaz's POV

I was already missing Australia as soon as we stepped foot back in America. In the short time I had spent there it had really felt pretty homely. Mitchel and I spent our days lazing around the house with his family or down by the beach. It was so relaxing and calm, unlike the busy, chaotic nature here in LA.

I was now back in university and I wanted nothing more than to be lying on the sand wrapped in Mitchel's arms. But sadly all good things must come to an end eventually.

I had grown a close bond to Mitchel's mom too. Biddi was so lovely and had truly become the mother figure I had been missing these past few years. I think she enjoyed the female company in a house full of boys. I can see why her and Mitchel were so close, she was the sweetest person ever.

My tutor snaps me out of my daydream of down under and my face goes red as the rest of the class turns to look at me, including Luke who sent me a wink. I squint my face and ignore him, not in the mood to deal with him.

Somehow as if he senses my annoyance, he walks over to me at the end of class and beams down at me while I pack my things into my bag.

"Yes?" I ask in a blunt tone.

"How's things with you?" He asks.

"Fine" I reply.

I pack my things as quickly as I could hoping to avoid a conversation with him at all costs.

"Cmon Jaz no need to act like you hate me" He smirks.

"Oh no acting here" I say.

"Look I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out sometime" He sighs.

"Uh no I'll pass" I say forcing a fake smile on my face.

"Fine" He says.

I pick up my bag and before I can leave he manages to utter a few more words making me stop in my tracks.

"But when that boyfriend of yours fucks up don't come running to me" He smirks cockily.

"Look" I say turning round to face him again.

"My boyfriend is amazing" I begin "And even if he did somehow fuck up, you certainly wouldn't be the person I would run to"

His jaw locks and looks completely annoyed at my words but I couldn't care less. He was the most egotistical, rude and arrogant person I had ever encountered. With that I walk out not wanting to hear another word from him and I make my way back to my apartment where I had to spend tonight alone without Mitchel as he was pulling an all nighter in the studio.

I hadn't seen him much the past few days since we got back as they'd been working nonstop on studio stuff which was great they had a creative flow going but I missed falling asleep with Mitchel's safe arms around me. Sleeping alone sucked.

I just knew today wasn't going to get any better no matter how much I wanted it to. I text Cat and ask her to come spend the night at mine which she quickly agrees to, seeming upset and down about something. Makes two of us.


Mitchel's POV

"Yo that's sick write that down" I say to Christian.

We were making hit after hit and I couldn't wait to start getting this new music out. Our music was going so well recently, everything was just clicking and we had several songs wrapped up and ready to go whenever management wanted them.

I couldn't wait to show Jaz when I seen her tomorrow. I was excited for tomorrow so I could finally hold her in my arms again, I had been so wrapped up in the studio the past few days I hadn't had much chance to see her.

SWIM // MITCHEL CAVEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora