20- Trust

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*one month later*

Jaz's POV

Things were going well in life. For once everything was going smoothly and I was happy. My uni projects were working out how I liked them and Luke backed off once I basically ignored him. We still made some small talk in class but nothing more than that.

Things were good with Mitchel and I felt genuinely happy with him and our relationship. Some of the fans were warming to me but some were still a bit cold.

Mitchel was over in New York for a few shows, tonight was their last one and they were going to stay a few days before they came back. He'd been gone just over a week already and it was crazy how much I already missed him. It was the most id spent in my own apartment in a long time.

Cat was currently destroying my wardrobe in an attempt to find an outfit to wear for tonight. We were going out with some friends to the club and I was excited but at the same time I knew it wasn't going to be that fun without Mitchel. All our friends were going to try and hook up with someone and I obviously wasn't going for that.

"Where's your red heels?" She asks.

"Mitchel's" I reply "I left them there last week"

She just rolls her eyes in response before digging through my box of shoes again trying to find another pair she liked.

She had been in a funny mood for weeks now but I presume it had to do with Clinton. I never found out what happened with them but they do everything in order to avoid eachother and make the other jealous.

"Cmon get ready Jaz" She whines.

I was still in my towel from the shower and scrolling through my phone absentmindedly. Cat was almost ready and I was nowhere near that.

"Fine" I sigh.

I head into the bathroom and get changed into a simple black dress. I paired it with some chokers seeing as it was strapless and lacking some accessory.

I do my hair and make up before joining Cat I'm taking a few pictures and heading out to the club.


Mitchel's POV

"Cmon man it's time for us to go on" Christian reminds me.

I quickly nod my head in understanding as I finish up my message to Jaz and press send before slipping it into my back pocket and heading out onto the stage.

It was great performing our own headline shows, we'd only done a few of them and most of our performances came from being an opener for someone else. We'd only released new songs last week but people were already able to sing the lyrics back to us and it was a feeling I don't think I'll ever get over.

Meeting all the fans was great to, we had so many different people with different styles that someone fit together nicely through our music. Some fans were pretty hands on and a little suggestive so I always had to remind them now that I had a girlfriend. Mitchel from a few months again wouldn't have cared but now I do.

I missed Jaz already even just being separated for a week. I was so used to her presence. I think the boys were a bit glad to have me here without her for a bit as I spent so much of my time now with her and I did feel slightly bad about that. I just couldn't help myself though.

We wrapped the show up after playing one of our new songs; Okay. It was a great one to sing live and it really got the crowd worked up and it was honestly just really fun to play. We met some fans after the show as always and then headed back to our hotel room. Christian headed out to get some food for us while I tried to find something to watch. It was now around 11pm and I was a little tired out after the show but I knew we wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon. Clinton had already made a dent in the pack of cans in our room.

He passed me one and I accepted without hesitation and chugged it down before making my way through the rest pretty quickly. I eat the food Christian brings us and somehow food always tastes better when you're slightly buzzed. The hours passed into those of the early ones of the morning and I had lost track of how many cans I had drank.

Jesse had already passed out on one of the beds and I whip out my phone to post a video on Instagram. I scroll through the stories while I'm on the app I feel my good mood slowly dissipate upon watching Cat's story. They were out at a club and I could see in the background that Jaz was dancing with another guy. In another picture they're standing pretty close and he's whispering something in his ear while she laughs.

I could feel myself becoming angry and I wasn't sure if all the alcohol I was consuming was playing a role in that. Why was she hanging around another guy while I wasn't there? I watch it again which only adds to my annoyance. Clinton notices my shift in mood and asks if I'm alright.

"Yeah fine" I mumble.

I excuse myself out into the hall where I walk down towards the elevator pressing the button as I start to scroll through my contacts to find Jaz's name. I get inside the elevator and press the button for the rooftop garden the hotel has. I needed some peace and some fresh air.

I start dialling Jaz's number.


Jaz's POV

I could feel my phone buzzing in my purse and I pull it out to see it's Mitchel calling. I look down at it confused as to why he was phoning but happy to hear from him as he was so busy. I make my way outside the club and press the phone to my ear.

"Hey" I say smiling down at the pavement.

"Hey" He replied, but his tone wasn't as happy as mine.

"Is everything alright?" I ask becoming worried something's happened.

"Are you still out?" He asks.

"Yeah why?" I reply.

"Who was that guy?" He adds.

His words were coming out rather stuttered and I came to the conclusion he was drunk. He hadn't been drinking that much since we got together, not to this state anyway.

"What guy?" I reply puzzled as to where this was going.

"The one in the story Jaz" He states.

He did not sound happy.

"What are you talking about?" I say.

"In Cat's story" He sighs "You're dancing with a guy, laughing with a guy and I know it's not me"

I couldn't believe how he was acting, drunk or not. I was allowed to hang out with who I please and I knew exactly who he was referring to. I had been dancing with Jacob all night, he was one of our gay friends and so Mitchel had zero reason to be worried yet here he was making it a big deal.

"We weren't doing anything Mitchel, I'm just out having fun" I sigh.

"I bet" He scoffs "I'm gone a few days and you're out with another guy"

I couldn't believe how much of a dick he was being. I didn't like Mitchel when he was like this, he could be funny drunk but this just wasn't. It wasn't fun and it was humiliating.

"Mitchel I don't know what to say to you, there's nothing going on and you have nothing to worry about" I explain.

"I don't want anybody else touching my girl" He replies lowly.

"I'm not an object Mitchel, you don't own me" I scoff.

"I just don't want someone thinking they can have you" He says.

"And I'm not gonna let them! Why don't you trust me?" I ask.

I could feel my eyes tearing up and I'd had a few drinks myself and so my emotions were flying. My night had been so good but now I just felt shitty and wanted to go home.

"I do trust you" He says.

"Obviously not" I scoff.

He goes to reply but i cut him off. Tears were streaming down my cheek now and I quickly wiped them away as a few people in queue to get into the club were staring.

I text a message to Cat telling her I'm going home and I make my way down the dark streets as the tears start falling down my cheek.

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