21- I fucked up

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Mitchel's POV

I sloppily make my way back to the room and when I'm unable to get my key to work properly I just loudly knock for one of the boys to open it not caring if I disturbed the rooms surrounding us.

"Dude be quiet!" Christian hisses letting me in.

I just roll my eyes at him and make my way over to my bed throwing my head in my hands and sighing loudly.

"Fuck!" I mutter.

All the boys had their eyes on me unsure of what was wrong, I had even woken Jesse up with all the noise.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Christian asks.

"I fucked up" I murmur "I'm pissed"

My words were coming out rather incoherently and so the boys were still confused. Sighing loudly in frustration I get out my phone and open up Instagram and pull up Cat's story showing them the videos of Jaz and the other guy.

"This is what you're annoyed about?" Clinton asks.

"Yes! Look! He's all over her" I exclaim.

"That's nothing" Jesse replies.

"Yeah well that's what she said when I phoned her too" I spat.

"You phoned her?" Christian asks disapprovingly.

I nod my head.

"And what did you say?" He asks.

"I just asked who he thought he was to be hanging around her like that and she just keep telling me he's just a friend and now she's pissed at me" I explain.

I feel a sharp hit to my head and I realise Christian had slapped me on the back of my neck and my hand reaches up to soothe the now sore spot.

"What the hell man?" I shout.

"You're a fucking idiot Mitchel" He states "No wonder she's pissed"

"You're taking her side?" I ask incredulously.

"Yes because you're being a dick to her for no reason! She was just out having fun and now you've upset her, nice one Mitchel" He scolds.

"But that guy-"

"That guy is her friend Mitchel" He interrupts "One that she's told you about before, one that also happens to be gay"

I go to interject but then his words sink into my head. I just realised how much I've fucked up. I remember him now, Jaz telling me he thought Jesse was cute and that they had been friends ever since she moved here. How could I forget? I blame my intoxicated mind on blurring my memory.

"Ah fuck" I groan.

"You've fucked up big time" He states "You better fix it now"

Christian was a great friend, not just to me but evidently to Jaz too. I can't believe I was such an asshole to the girl I cared so much for.

I desperately pull up her number on my phone and let it ring. It goes to voicemail. I try again. Still nothing. Again. No answer.

I keep trying hoping to get somewhere but the other end is silent, with nothing but the voicemail message to taunt me. I launch my phone back on the bed and I can feel my anger rising up again.

"Calm down ok we'll get this fixed somehow" Clinton says trying to offer some help.

"How? She's not answering me? She's done with me already!" I say.

This is why I stayed single, I always manage to fuck up something good somehow.

"Just try again in the morning, maybe she's gone to bed" He adds.

"I can't wait that long I need to speak to her now" I say.

Then an idea comes in my head and I quickly grab my suitcase throwing all my clothes and belongings inside it.

"Uh what are you doing?" Christian asks.

"Back to LA, I need to see her" I reply.

"Mitchel you're being irrational, you can't just fly back now, we have three more days here" He explains.

"Yeah and we have nothing scheduled, you guys are just gonna explore, I can go back home to Jaz" I say.

My fuzzy mind struggles to pick out everything in the room that's mine but I figure if I leave anything then the others can bring it back home.

"Mitchel you're drunk, you don't even have a flight, this is a bad idea" Christian explains.

"I'm not that drunk now and besides I'll figure out something when I get to the airport" I reply.

I throw my jacket on and order an Uber on my phone before dragging my suitcase to the door.

"Mitchel are you sure about this?" Clinton asks.

"I have to try" I sigh.

They offer quiet words of encouragement as I walk out the door and into the Uber waiting for me as I make my way to the airport, determined to get Jaz to forgive me.


Jaz's POV

I wake up to the sun beaming in my room, in my distressed state I forgot to shut my curtains last night. I check my phone and it reads 11am. There are hoards of messages from nearly everyone, mostly Mitchel. I feel my eyes tear up again at our conversation last night, how angry he was with me.

I ignore all my notifications and I go for a shower in attempt to freshen myself up a bit. I look at myself in the mirror and I'm a mess; mascara stains all down my cheek, my eyes bloodshot from crying and a prominent frown on my face.

I turn on the shower and strip off my clothes until I'm wearing nothing as I step into the cubicle, letting the hot water hit me. It soothes me ever so slightly. I'm surprised Cat hadn't made her way over here to bombard me for not replying to her messages. She has her own troubles right now though, she caught feelings for Clinton and he broke her and she's trying not to let it get to her.

The hot water drips down my face and blends in with my own tears. I shouldn't be crying, not over this. I can't help it though, Mitchel made me feel like shit and it showed another side of him I really didn't want to see again.

I step out the shower after what feels like a forever and wrap myself in my towel before sitting on my bed replying back to all of my messages except Mitchel because I'm all honesty I don't know what to say.

I finally get up and throw some comfy clothes on settling on some sweatpants and a hoodie before throwing my hair in a bun. I looked a mess but I couldn't care less, no one would see me today anyway.

As if I'm cue on that thought, the doorbell rings and as I stroll over to the door the person ok the other side becomes impatient, knocking repeatedly.

I unlock the door and open it to find none other than a tired looking Mitchel staring back at me.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

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