31- show me

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Jaz's POV

3 days. It had been 3 whole days and I had not spoke to Mitchel, I had not seen him and I had ignored all of his messages and calls. I had been hibernating in my apartment, leaving only to go to uni.

I was miserable. I hated every minute here alone but I couldn't bring myself to go over there and face him after he kept such a big thing from me. I didn't care if I was being harsh or blowing it out of proportion. He hurt me and I needed time to heal from that. I would never have kept something like this from him.

Cat had mostly been over here but she had also been over at the boys house too seeing Clinton and so she was mostly relating information to me on how Mitchel was, which was not good by the sounds of it. I didn't care, he deserved to feel bad.

"I just think you guys should make up, it's been days" Cat explains "He's learned his lesson now Jaz"

I sigh for what felt like the tenth time in the past few minutes. She wasn't understanding how I was feeling because she didn't go through it. She was lucky; Clinton told her to her face, she didn't find out from someone else.

"He hurt me" I say simply.

"I know but they're leaving so soon Jaz, every day you waste in here is a day less you have with him before they go" She replies.

She was right and I knew she was. But I was stubborn, one of my less desirable traits but it was part of me nonetheless. I knew I had to go over but I wasn't sure if I was prepared for that, I didn't know what I would walk into.

Both Cat and Christian had informed me of Mitchel's drinking habits in the past few days and that he hadn't left the house at all, not even his room. He would go downstairs for food and more drink and then retreat back up. Deep down I felt bad, I really did. This was the man I loved but goddamn he hurt me too and so he wasn't the only one. But maybe I had to be the one to fix us.

My feet began walking to their house before my brain had properly registered I was doing so. I didn't know what I was going to say or do but I knew I needed to see him and more than anything I missed him terribly. It was scary to see how much I relied on him, how dependent I had grown.

It was almost 7pm now and it was still January so it was dark now and the cold breeze was hitting me making me wish I wad grabbed a jacket before leaving so hastily.

I ring the doorbell and wait and I see blond through the glass at the side before the door opens and Christian welcomes me with open arms telling me how he missed me. I hug him back and say the same.

"Where is he?" I ask quietly.

I don't need to say his name as he knows exactly who I'm referring to and he points to the stairs indicating he is still in his room.

"He's been a mess Jaz" Christian sighs.

"I've heard" I mumble.

"Please fix him" Christian pleads before retreating to the kitchen.

His words echo in my head and a take a deep breath before ascending the stairs until I reach his room. I hear it before I see it. Music was blasting and as I slowly open the door I see empty bottles littered all over his floor. He's sitting on the balcony on the floor looking out onto the city swigging from a beer bottle before throwing it to the side with the rest. He hadn't seen me yet and for a second I just admire him, forgetting how mad I was because despite how much he may hurt or annoy me, I couldn't deny he was the most beautiful thing I had ever encountered.

I walk closer and accidentally knock over a bottle making a noise and so I've disrupted his peace and he turns around, his eyes annoyed looking to see the culprit and they soften completely when they land on me.

He stumbles to get up and walks over to me as if not sure if I'm really here or if it's his mind playing cruel tricks on him.

"You came back to me" He whispers in a relived tone.

"I had to see you" I say truthfully.

He pulls me in as if scared I'll disappear the moment he lets go. I feel it. I feel everything. Every emotion, every unspoken word, every ounce of hurt from the past few days; I feel it all in his touch. I couldn't stay mad at him, I needed him and he needed me and I could stay here in his arms forever.

"I thought you were done with me, I was losing my mind" He says.

"I just needed time" I reply.

He pulls away now and looks me in the eyes, pushing the hair behind my ear like he always does and the tingling sensation on my skin doesn't falter.

"I know" He smiles weakly.

I look around the room at the mess, the physical embodiment of his mind due to the stress of the situation and he looks slightly embarrassed and disappointed in himself as he kicks some of them to the side and scratches his head.

"I didn't know what else to do" He mumbles.

I just shake my head pulling him back in tugging on his open shirt and feeling his body against mine, replacing the cold emptiness I had become to accustomed to.

"I don't want us to be like this, I want us to enjoy our time now" I say.

There was only three weeks left and that was nothing compared to how long he was going to be gone. I had to cherish every moment from now and I didn't even want to consider what would happen when he left. I was going to be lost.

"Please come with me" He whispers hopeful.

"Where?" I ask.

"On tour" He states "Then we don't need to be apart and we can have an adventure together"

While his offer was enticing, I couldn't say yes. I had too much here; I had university, I had Cat and I had so much more. I couldn't just drop that.

"Mitchel you know I can't" I sigh.

"Please" He tries.

I shake my head in response, my words failing to provide comforting words as there weren't any.

"I'll miss you so fucking much" He says against my ear.

My eyes flutter closed as his hot breath against my skin left me craving him, needing more than just this embrace.

"Show me how much you'll miss me" I whisper back.

His eyes change from sadness to hunger, wasting no time in showing me just that. Clothes are discarded and his lips are feverishly attacking mine as he pushes me onto the bed. My head falls back onto the pillow and everything that follows is a blissful blur of everything we couldn't say.


So close to the end I'm getting a little sad 😥

I've enjoyed writing this and having you guys follow me on this journey so much y'all really are the best 💓

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