14- Official

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Jaz's POV

The rest of the week goes by uneventfully, I was busy with uni work and Mitchel had been in the studio non stop for them to try and get the album wrapped up. He still found time to send me cute texts and see how I was getting on but I knew he was tired, they'd been staying there late until the early hours of the morning.

It was now Saturday again and I had been having a very productive morning doing chores and laundry. The boys had another small concert tonight which Cat and I were going to although her and Clinton had been fighting the past few days so I don't know whether or not she's actually going. I don't know what they were fighting about and when I asked, Cat simply waved it off not in the mood to discuss.

I was excited to go tonight not only because I would give me a break from all the work I've had to do but also because I hadn't actually seen Mitchel in just under a week and I didn't realise how much I actually missed his company.

I was folding up all my clothes and putting them away and I found myself humming along to some of the boys songs unconsciously. Who would have thought that just over a month ago I hadn't heard of them at all and I just ignored Cat's constant talking about them. I should've listened to her sooner.

Not only have I found Mitchel but Christian and I have also become really good friends and we text each other a lot too. It was nice to have another friend to share everything with and as much as I love Cat, she can be a bit hysterical over things whereas Christian is nice and chill and not judging.

The others were cool too but I didn't speak to them as much, Clinton rarely spoke and I don't know if he was just shy or a man of few words.

I continue to do stuff around the apartment until it's time to get ready. I do my usual routine of shower, make up and hair before choosing an outfit. I never really know what to wear because some girls show up in full on dressy outfits whereas some just come in jeans and a hoodie. I settle for a safe option of black jeans and a tight red lace top paired with my black boots. I looked good but not try hard.

Cat was ignoring all my texts so I assume she's not going and I head over to the venue myself. It's in the same place as the last so I at least know my way around. There's a decent sized queue outside the venue of people waiting to get in and luckily Mitchel put me on the list so I don't need to wait out here for ages alone.

I hear someone shout my name and I at first think it's Cat but I can't see her anywhere. Someone calls it again and I notice that it's two girls in the queue but I don't recognise them. I go over anyway and they smile widely at me looking fairly excited.

"Hey" I say casually.

"Omg you're Mitchel's girlfriend right?" One of them asks.

I'm a bit taken aback by her question and I wasn't sure how she even recognised me. I guess I'd been on a few of the boys Snapchat's and instagrams but it was still a shock to be noticed.

"Uh were just friends really" I reply not sure how to answer her question.

"I thought you guys were dating, you look so cute together!" The other one adds.

"Oh thanks but I'm yeah it's kinda complicated I guess" I laugh.

"Well either way, we just wanted to say we really like you and you should ignore all of the others on twitter talking shit" The blonde says.

Cat had shown me this too, some of the girls online were quite possessive and really didn't like that I'd been hanging around Mitchel and the boys so much. A lot of them were calling me names despite not really knowing me at all.

"Awh thank you, that means a lot" I say "Yeah people can be mean"

"They're just jealous" She says "Mitchel has looked so happy lately and I think you're who to thank"

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