15- Consuming

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Jaz's POV

We were sitting on the floor of Mitchel's living room as he carefully rolled out joints for us all. I was excited but also nervous, I didn't want to look stupid in front of him and I hoped I didn't choke to death or anything.

He passes the boys theirs first before handing me mine last. He sits next to me as I put it in my mouth and he lights it up. He shows me what to do using his own and I do my best to follow. I cough a little bit nothing major thankfully.

He looked so good while he did it, so effortlessly cool that made me slightly envious as I fumble around hopelessly trying to follow his movements.

It's a weird sensation and it's like every drag I take goes straight to my head making me feel lighter and lighter, almost like when I'm drunk except this was way quicker and different somehow.

"You okay?" He asks.

I nod my head and continue to smoke the joint which wasn't too big. The boys had music playing loudly and Jesse was dancing and rapping along to the song making the boys laugh. Mitchel's free arm was wrapped around my shoulder as he used the other to hold his joint. He was talking to Clinton but it just felt nice to have him so close, occasionally gently massaging my shoulder with his hand.

My eyes were watering quite a bit due to it being my first time I think because the others were fine. I wiped them away but I kept streaming.

"Jaz are you okay?" Christian asks looking worried.

"Yeah my eyes are watering from it" I explain.

"Oh yeah that sometimes happens" He nods "I thought you were crying"

I shake my head no and finish the last of the joint resting my head on Mitchel's neck. I didn't feel too different, things just moved at a slower pace and things were funnier than usual. It was nice to just watch them have fun and rap badly to the songs playing. Mitchel was still pretty good at rapping but Clinton was failing and Jesse just can't rap, sober or not.

This continues for a while and I eventually go lie on the sofa, succumbing to my sleepy state. It seemed to be making them hyper but for me, I'm just getting more tired each minute.

"Looks like someone can't handle it" Mitchel says sitting down on the floor next to the couch.

"I'm just sleepy" I mumble.

"Why don't you go up to bed" He laughs.

I do want to go to bed but I also don't want to miss out on any fun. It was becoming harder to stay awake though.

"No I'm good" I reply, yawning.

"Babe, just go to bed, I'll be up soon" He says.

I finally nod my head, agreeing with him before saying goodnight and heading upstairs towards Mitchel's room.

I lazily take my make up off and throw on one of Mitchel's shirts before getting in the bed and engulfing myself in his warm covers. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Mitchel's POV

"Well she lasted long" Christian laughs.

"Ease up, it's her first time" I reply.

It was quite funny watching Jaz try weed, as expected; she got pretty tired. That happened to me on my first go, I'm pretty sure I passed out in some random person's house.

I knew by the time I went to bed she would be completely out and although I was hoping to have some fun with her, I accepted tonight wasn't that night.

I was surprised in myself with long I was going without getting any. I was so used to disposable women, picking up a pretty girl for the night only to never speak again. I knew when I met Jaz, I wanted so much more than her body. She didn't throw herself at me like the rest and it earned my respect.

I think back to the first night we met, where she couldn't care less about me or my persistent flirting. Now here we are, she was my girlfriend, a label I hadn't given anybody in a long time. I didn't know if I was moving too quick with it all, we had only been speaking about a month and as much as I enjoyed our time, I was worried she would hurt me like the last girl I put my trust into.

There was a reason after all, as to why I became such a player; disregarding feelings and viewing girls as nothing more than a way to get release.

I took another drag of my second blunt after deciding one just wasn't enough. I craved more, I needed the feeling it gave me; like nothing was important and all I had to do was relax. I loved the feeling, I relished in it. With the busy lifestyle we led, these little moments of meaningless bliss were golden.

I could go a few beers too and I knew there was plenty of nice cold ones in the fridge but I mentally stopped myself from going up to get one. I knew for a fact I'd just keep drinking until I got into the state of when I turned up at Jaz's apartment; completely wasted. Not that I minded that but I knew she wasn't too keen.

The boys were chatting and having empty conversations while my mind travelled to the girl upstairs. It was amazing and annoying how much my mind trailed to her no matter what I was doing. It was consuming me, she was consuming me.

The boys all knew so to, they teased me about her all the time and I don't blame them, I'd do the same if it was one of them. It was good in a way though, I'd been writing more, she was giving me so much inspiration although she probably doesn't know that. I had been stuck in a blank for so long with songwriting and I was finally getting somewhere again.

I finish the blunt and flick the remainder of the paper into the ashtray while leaning back against the couch trying to collect my scattered thoughts.

I flick through my phone scrolling through Instagram not even paying a second look to the scantily clad girls plastered all over my timeline. I check twitter and send a few vague tweets as I often did while I was high; even I didn't know what I was saying.

The others were getting tired too and we soon all headed to bed. I gently opened the door and walked in quietly, it was dark but I could still make out Jaz on the bed. She was curled up inside the covers with her hands tucked under her chin, she looked so peaceful. I couldn't believe I was able to call her mine.

Unable to help myself, I whip out my phone and take a picture of her, luckily the flash doesn't unsettle her. I post the photo on my Instagram story with the caption 'Angel' and I lock my phone again.

It felt nice to be able to show someone off and to show everyone was mine. I hadn't felt this in such a long time. I forgot how much I loved the feeling of it, I was so used to going to the bottle for this feeling of contentment.

I take off my clothes until I was left in just my boxers and necklace and I crawled underneath the covers with her. I pulled her near me so her back was against my chest and I wrapped my arms around her waist and she stirred slightly in her sleep.

"Mitchel?" She asks sleepily.

"Shh it's okay go back to sleep" I whisper.

I stroke her arm as she quickly falls back asleep again and I do the same not long after, our steady breaths synchronising as I let myself fall into a deep slumber.


Most boring chapter ever goes to this one right here 🙃 I felt bad not uploading yesterday so thus, this crappy chapter was created, believe me though when i say the next few are gonna get good 😏

At least we finally got some Mitchel POV though...

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